Switching bikes over the winter


Well-known member
I currently have my '83 GS400 insured by Nordic facility through john duffy. This cost me about $3000 for the year, starting feb. 28 this year. Now I'm buying a 2006 Vulcan 900, and I was wondering if I could insure it in December, and not have to pay the pro-rated extra I would have had to in the summer. This was my first year of riding, and I'm M2 licensed, so this bike would likely have cost me roughly $5000 to insure this past year, and will cost me about $3700 this coming year. This means that a non-summer-adjusted prorated increase would be something on the order of $500 to insure through the winter (lame!)

My thoughts come from this thread: http://www.gtamotorcycle.com/vbforu...immum-policy-Want-to-know-your-Penalty-Refund

Where most people are concerned with cancelling over the winter, I'm basically considering the opposite.

Some back story: I'm buying a bike through a friend, who's essentially trading it to the dealer (for a discount on a new bike), who's then selling it to me at cost. This way the total tax paid on both bikes equals the tax on the full price of the new bike. We considered postponing the transaction until February, but it seems kind of weird to me, either my friend has to hold off on his purchase, or the dealer needs to keep my bike at the dealership for 3 months.

So has anyone heard of this? Sort of odd I suppose, and I'll call them soon, but I just wanted to see if it was possible first.


A brief update for anyone interested: According to my broker's calculations, she thinks it might be free, but knowing Nordic, they'll try to sting me with something. She's trying hard to get a straight answer out of Nordic, but they were giving her the runaround, with multiple calculations methods etc.

Fire and theft alone for 3 months was $265, when a full year was something like $350! So I declined that, and it'll just have to stay cozily tucked away in a locked garage all winter.

Still waiting on the final word, probably next week.
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Anything is possible. You may find that they prorate the winter months so it will actually be cheaper than you thought. You could also inquire about reducing coverages over the winter to save some funds, but that of course depends on what coverages you have.
Anything is possible. You may find that they prorate the winter months so it will actually be cheaper than you thought. You could also inquire about reducing coverages over the winter to save some funds, but that of course depends on what coverages you have.

agreed re: it possibly being cheaper than you were expecting. I'd stopped street riding a little while ago, but my son was really missing it (as was I) so picked up an end-of-season priced 01 750 Katana in late September or October. Full coverage insurance in March will be around $400, but due to pro-rating (this is with TD) October - March was a whopping $39. Had some good riding weather still in October, so glad I jumped back in.
I called my broker (John Duffy), and they're looking into it for me. I expect it to only cost fire+theft over the winter months, since I don't have that coverage on my current bike.

I'm already stretched pretty thin on this deal, so it's gotta be under maybe $150 to work. Fingers crossed!
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Keeping it in a locked garage doesn't prevent a fire, or even theft for that matter. Your with Facility so you must have "issues" either with tickets or claims, how much longer before your "issues" clear up? Might be worth waiting until then.
Keeping it in a locked garage doesn't prevent a fire, or even theft for that matter. Your with Facility so you must have "issues" either with tickets or claims, how much longer before your "issues" clear up? Might be worth waiting until then.

No 'issues' other than being a new rider. For the first year, facility was cheapest, believe it or not.

You're right that it doesn't prevent those things, but the rate is rather ridiculous for such a short period. It might even be the case that my new bike will stay at the dealership until next policy year (march 1), in which case it should be covered under the dealership's insurance for that time.

In any case we've determined the deal will take place in early January. Will update then.
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