SV650 Engine Swap Question


Well-known member
I'm putting a 2007 SV650 engine into a 2005 bike. The only difference I see is that there are 2 spark plugs per cylinder on the 07 engine and only the traditional 2 plugs per cylinder on the 05. Whats the point of this? I can only hook up two plugs on the 07 engine since the 05 bike only has two plug boots. Will this affect the engine operation, only having traditional two spark plugs hooked up (one per cylinder)?
They went dual spark in 2007 I believe it's more efficient. All it did for me was make it a pain in the *** to replace the spark plugs. I would ask Svrider forum or simular sv forum. there may be a thread of someone else already taken on this project and alot of the guys on that site are pretty knowledgeable about all things SV

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