suzuki drz400s, opinions?

is 400 too big for beginner bike?
anyone have experience with this bike before?

Great bike, does everything well but excels at nothing. It would be a great beginner bike, my only concern for a beginner would be the height of it might make it a little difficult to manage.

When I have dirt rims and tires on mine I have to slide off the seat to put a foot down but I'm short (5'8"). With supermoto rims and tires I have no issues.
Great bike, does everything well but excels at nothing. It would be a great beginner bike, my only concern for a beginner would be the height of it might make it a little difficult to manage.

When I have dirt rims and tires on mine I have to slide off the seat to put a foot down but I'm short (5'8"). With supermoto rims and tires I have no issues.

Agree 100% with the first paragraph.

As for the second paragraph, I am 5'9" and to flat foot it yes I have to slid off the seat, but I rarely do that.
Great bike, does everything well but excels at nothing. It would be a great beginner bike, my only concern for a beginner would be the height of it might make it a little difficult to manage.

When I have dirt rims and tires on mine I have to slide off the seat to put a foot down but I'm short (5'8"). With supermoto rims and tires I have no issues.

Thanks, i plan to use stock rims and tires. I am also 5'8, will i have issues managing it?
How about the weight of the bike? Too heavy to handle it as first bike?
Thanks, i plan to use stock rims and tires. I am also 5'8, will i have issues managing it?
How about the weight of the bike? Too heavy to handle it as first bike?

It's not heavy, just tall.
Taller bike, decent all a rounder. Been around a while and parts are plentiful. Good beginner bike.
I think you'll love it. I had the little brother (DR200se) for a summer and it was a blast. Gutless, but fun. If you're worried about the height at all, reduce the preload. That's what I did with mine.
OP, you could always go to somewhere like or any local motocross track that offers a Learn to Ride program where you rent their bikes. You could ride for a day or a half day on a DRZ or something very similar, and then have all the confidence in the world in buying one. Of course, you would be riding on dirt, but uh.. better their bike than yours! You don't have to clean it after.
Great bike, great handling and pretty light too. I ride with a couple guys with older 600s(Dr and Xl) and no problems keeping up in fact we are all about even up to 120kms
I just got my new lower seat foam and cover from Seat Concepts and must say its a HUGE difference from stock, its about 2in lower and 3in wider. Because of the width I am now standing on the balls of my feet (Im 5/8 also) otherwise I would be flat footed almost if it wasn't so wide.
I just got a DRZ400, very easy to ride...but the bike is just a little too tall for me. I'm okay on the street but not in the dirt.

Power is there, very linear and predictable. I would say it would be a good beginner bike.
My friend has a sweet deal on one, if your looking to purchase, let me know! Prob the best deal around!
A 400 is a good starting bike. I just got my first bike, a ninja 500r. I have no problems riding it. Respect the bike and it will respect you.
drz 400 is a pimp bike, supermoto/dual sports are perfect bigginer bikes, they will smoke your fellow 250r rider even if you are riding a drz200! and you can drop these bike over and over again and only have to fix a $20 handle bar, everthing else stays mint, where as the the slow *** wannabe ninja 250's are a waist of time, skill developement and fun. Most people ride those things for a 1000-3000 km and sell it, most people riding drz 200's 400's never end up selling them and then go back half the time to it from sports bikes due to the lack of freedom that a supermoto can only give.
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