for any of you interested to play around the GP sensor, I have figured out the best values for the GP Sensor decoding in order to display the gear sifter.
the pink wire on the GPS sensor connector delivers a range of voltages in regard to the battery minus.
if decoded by a analog input of a microcontroller 10 bit resolution, the best values for the Suzuki M109r are:
GP Sensor voltage output, MIN. / MAX.
I: 1.70 - 2.00
II: 2.15 - 2.50
III: 2.80 - 3.25
IV: 3.50 - 4.00
V: 4.10 - 4.60
N: > 4.60
Digital 10 bit values
I: 345 - 410
II: 430 - 535
III: 560 - 680
IV: 705 - 825
V: 840 - 950
N: > 960
Took me some time to find this out, and for your information works great based an a PIC16F819 microcoltroller.
For more info you can email or message here. As per my experience these values work on a 2009 Suzuki M109r, and slightly differs on other models.
the pink wire on the GPS sensor connector delivers a range of voltages in regard to the battery minus.
if decoded by a analog input of a microcontroller 10 bit resolution, the best values for the Suzuki M109r are:
GP Sensor voltage output, MIN. / MAX.
I: 1.70 - 2.00
II: 2.15 - 2.50
III: 2.80 - 3.25
IV: 3.50 - 4.00
V: 4.10 - 4.60
N: > 4.60
Digital 10 bit values
I: 345 - 410
II: 430 - 535
III: 560 - 680
IV: 705 - 825
V: 840 - 950
N: > 960
Took me some time to find this out, and for your information works great based an a PIC16F819 microcoltroller.
For more info you can email or message here. As per my experience these values work on a 2009 Suzuki M109r, and slightly differs on other models.