Suspended licence (not charged)


Hi guys. Not a fun situation, but here it is.

So I found out last Thursday my licence is suspended due to not paying a fine (Paid legal guys, moved, they sent to wrong address when they lost, didn't get memo until MOT sent letter). So Friday I spent all day running around, paid the fine, the reinstatement fee and am now waiting until Thursday (processing time)to go back and get it back.

Without being charged with driving while suspended, will this effect my insurance come renewal if it was simply because of a fine missed? I started my insurance 2 weeks ago, so luckily I have all next season but am still nervous about the whole process.

Thanks for any help!
Insurance is a private industry and each company has its own policies. SOME will increase rates because of a $65 "fail to surrender proof of insurance" ticket... simply not having a piece of paper in the car.

Yours is an administrative suspension for default payment, depending on the company it could range from "meh" to salivating. You won't know for sure until you 1. ask, or 2. they catch it (I'd go with 2).

Insurance regulations in Ontario = legalized extortion.
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I'm with state farm if anyone has experience with their policies. The infraction was noted (10 over speeding) when I set the policy up. Its this admin suspension I'm worried about.
DO NOT mention this to your broker or insurance company or even ask them about it. They will make a note on your file. I had my car vandalized and asked my broker about making a claim but never did as the deductible was the same as the claim. They then raised my rates the next year because my car had been vandalized. Your under writer will review you driving record every two years. Most likely it will not effect your rates since it is not due to a traffic infraction. All you can do is wait and see. If it does effect your rates down the road though I would suggest appealing it to your insurance company or shopping around for a new under writer.
I was absolutely not about to ask state farm, for exactly that reason. I guess its the waiting game until next september to see what the verdict is
My State Farm broker has never risen my rates due to an admin suspension (although the look on his face when my license was suspended due to no insurance was pretty fun).

Every State Farm broker has their own in house procedures, more or less, you could always just call anonymously and ask.
DO NOT mention this to your broker or insurance company or even ask them about it. They will make a note on your file. I had my car vandalized and asked my broker about making a claim but never did as the deductible was the same as the claim. They then raised my rates the next year because my car had been vandalized. Your under writer will review you driving record every two years. Most likely it will not effect your rates since it is not due to a traffic infraction. All you can do is wait and see. If it does effect your rates down the road though I would suggest appealing it to your insurance company or shopping around for a new under writer.

Did they specifically say they raised your rates as a result of the note on your file? Or because it happened to increase based on other risk factors?

I have a hard time believing they raised your rates because your car has been vandalized because:
1) You did not make a claim
2) A single vandalism claim should not have a direct premium bearing effect on the customer
it all depends on who you have insurance with.

I had my lic also suspended for a non payment of a ticket. stuck on my record for 6 years. When I finally got around to getting a car and insurnace five years after that. for one year I had to pay an extra $80/m. If I got a DUI or other suspension then my rates would've been a lot higher.
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