survivor GoPros plane crash in water

One killed? Wonder why the pilot didn't advise them to pun in life jackets earlier.
The plane crashes, and the first thing the camera guy does is putting the waterproof case over gopro hahahah
One killed? Wonder why the pilot didn't advise them to pun in life jackets earlier.

Its probably protocol to inform them to wear lifejacket, but if I had a choice, I won't want to strap one on until I am sure, I will need one. When you've sunk with the plane and the bouyant force is pushing you up, it can actually pin you and drown you. I'd like the ability to dive to find an exit.

The plane crashes, and the first thing the camera guy does is putting the waterproof case over gopro hahahah

Dude, do you know how much money he can sell that video for? :D
Its probably protocol to inform them to wear lifejacket, but if I had a choice, I won't want to strap one on until I am sure, I will need one. When you've sunk with the plane and the bouyant force is pushing you up, it can actually pin you and drown you. I'd like the ability to dive to find an exit.

That's why they tell you to put one on, but not inflate it until you are out of the aircraft.
One killed? Wonder why the pilot didn't advise them to pun in life jackets earlier.

maybe he was in denial and though he could save it >shrugs<
That's why they tell you to put one on, but not inflate it until you are out of the aircraft.

For some odd reason my mind was on the foam jackets, lol. But for the inflatables, I think its for them not to pick up space and block doorways
Talking about this with some buddies who fly the C208, first comment they had was Mr Cessna was correct, they do land on water ok and float with a tail position for a fair while.

That horn you hear is the master caution horn, probably triggered by sudden loss of fuel pressure. Apparently the pilot reported hearing a loud bang during the climb after takeoff followed by sudden and complete power loss.

The aircraft had only just departed.

The loud bang could have been from a ton of things, as when turbine engines fail, especially the PT6 they tend to do so in spectacular fashion. Most probable theory is a compressor blade failure, which could have come about from been operated in a high salt environment.

As for the pax not wearing life jackets and no brace call from the pilot. I don't know any pilot or operator (in Aus at least) who require passengers to wear the jacket unless you are below 3000ft during the cruise and if they engine failure happened low enought the pilot would have been more focussed on getting the aircraft onto the water in the safest manner possible in stead of shouting to the passengers to put jackets on a brace. The old addage fro us pilots, Aviate, Navigate, Communicate. In this instance Engine failure - fly the plane, get is set for glide with the engine out, run your checklists IF you have time, down low you push the nose over to prevent a stall and land where you can. Navigate, only if you have time but work out where you are, whats a suitable place to land etc then communicate, to both ATC and your passengers. But The most important thing is to get the aircraft under control, no point telling people to brace or put a jacket on if you aren't in control of the aircraft.

Reason your told not to inflate the jacket until your outside the aircraft is actually to prevent you getting stuck and drowning if your still inside the aircraft when it submerges. Impossible for the average panicked person to be able to over power the buoyancy of a jacket underwater. Ethopian 961 crash landed on water after a hijacking attempt and a lot of passengers died because they inflated their jackets in the aircraft and couldn't get out once the aircraft started to sink.
lol lady anchor: The state's health department director died.
male anchor: yea yea that sucks but what a sick vid!

I too am surprised at how calm they all were.
Reason your told not to inflate the jacket until your outside the aircraft is actually to prevent you getting stuck and drowning if your still inside the aircraft when it submerges. Impossible for the average panicked person to be able to over power the buoyancy of a jacket underwater. Ethopian 961 crash landed on water after a hijacking attempt and a lot of passengers died because they inflated their jackets in the aircraft and couldn't get out once the aircraft started to sink.
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