Supermoto riding in Toronto

Hey, i want to get a moto group together to rip some **** up around the city haha if you ride a dual sport or supermoto or even a street bike. lets get a group ride goin on!:mad:
i had been thinking to do the same... i ride kawa klx250sf supermoto super fun.. im located in etobicoke and i had seen few supermotos arround... lets star with the people that already reply to this treat... lets figure out a place and date!!!!
im located at eglinton and scarlet... where are you about// who else is joining??
I'm busy tomorrow.
Want to meet up today? Around 5?
any canadian tire parking lot will be ok.. that's where the Thursday bike meet ups and muscle car Saturdays take place...

what about the canadian tire by weston and 401, or eglinton and caledonia or queensway and kipling...

the firstone is kinda nice because its a mall and there is always lot of people arround the area

today just turn out into a nice place let me know if maybe we can put some bikes together today...

not for racing but to star with a supermotard meet up..

We need to setup a parking lot racing event. Who knows where a good spot is?
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as you can see i was trying to meet with KarGo today.. you guys wanna meet at the canadian tire by weston and 401 let say by 7pm tonight
i forgot to mention that wifes or gfs are welcome.. since mine is on-board 90% of the time
that owuld be to late for me i got tickes for a movie and gotta come home and take the car!!! 7:30???
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if you think the place is ok and i know two other guys live in etobicoke as well lets say next Friday night about 8???
you know what!! im gonna open a new thread calling for the first official toronto supermoto meet up!!! and please you reply to confirm your assistance on that thread .. sounds good???
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