Sunset provision.

Especially when dealing with drugs, there are so many variables that come into play. The crime doesn't always warrant the penalties.
Drug / Firearm record will have negative impact on employment and travel. I am more in favour of treating drug addiction as a medical matter not a criminal one.
no sub. needed
Especially when dealing with drugs, there are so many variables that come into play. The crime doesn't always warrant the penalties.
Drug / Firearm record will have negative impact on employment and travel. I am more in favour of treating drug addiction as a medical matter not a criminal one.
no sub. needed
Sadly, this doesnt do much for travel restrictions. US doesnt care if canada got rid of the conviction, they will always see it. If it is reasonable to disappear the conviction after two years, it probably makes more sense never to have registered it in the first place. Maybe a process where the accused can choose to have a letter in their file and they dont bother prosecuting but if charged again within two years, no mercy shown. Alternatively, accused could choose trial and if they get not-guilty, no letter in file.
Thinking that one silver lining part would be removing all those historic simple possession MJ convictions that many folks are still saddled with .Not so thrilled with some slob that was peddling fentanyl getting off so easy tho.
I'm confused. I thought the libs were going ape on guns. Now it's a back off.

I'm OK with the gun charges disappearing if it was an over zealous swoop on a legal gun owner but gangstas need to learn.
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