Sunday Ride calling all riders!


Sunday Sept. 25 2011 we are going for a ride of the ages.
The route we will take varies off a few northern highways so be prepared to ride hard. Our group of riders have varies levels of experience and bikes. We cruise the 400 series highways however when we hit the smaller roads we let loose. Please if your interested in showing off or being an idiot which always brings the police out in numbers STAY HOME!!!
We will meet at Highway 88 and the 400 at the Tim Hortons which is about 2km east of the 400. We meet at 9:00am have a coffee and depart by 9:30am sharp!

Roads we will ride:
Southwood Rd 13
Bala Rd
Rd 632

Just to name a couple. If you need anymore info just hit me up at 416-894-1486.
Hope to see you out!

Dreadzzy 07 GSXR 1000
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