Sunday (June 10) before noon ride


Well-known member
Wanna go out for a ride before noon.

Thinking for a meet up and leave at around 7am?
Yorkdale... or whatever is more convenient.

The ride about 4 hours. Can be either north, east, west or south to NF. Pace - comfortable nothing crazy.
I have couple routes in mind, but open to any suggestions.

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Too bad, I'll be leaving at 7am from Yorkdale, but just a quickie, need to be back by 10am...

In general, if you are up for morning rides, we are going to be resurrecting the Saturday Sunrise Ride - 350-550k routes, leave at 7:30am to be back by 12-1pm, strictly riding with fuel stops only... Good way to hit some good roads and still have a full day to enjoy afterwards.

Keep an eye out next week!

[/excuse thread hi-jack]
hi, i may be interested as well in this morning ride next weekend...

where abouts do you usually go, just a rough idea, guess it's outside the gta for that amount of clicks, does the routes usually change every weekend or so?
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is this still on?
Well, I gonna show up at 7 am. Wanna go for a ride, but the evening is fully packed. So, if anybody shows up I'll be at the front of the yorkdale mall (from the north side). :)
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I'm going to try to be there too...
Yep, good ride. Thanks guys.

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