Suggestions for Visitors to Toronto?


New member
Hi there,

I will have some friends visiting next year (Summer-ish) that are hugely into motorcross & race frequently in the UK.

What would be the best options for them to rent a bike & have a fun day or two out whilst here? We are super flexible on location, within around 3-4 hours drive of Toronto.

Thanks in advance!
Tail tours as mentioned above, or Smart adventures near Barrie.

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Visitors from UK might not be very impressed with our motorcycle race efforts considering how serious racing is taken over there, but they will be blown away by how vast and beautiful of our country is. Seems to me unless you plan to tour Niagara Falls you are going to need to head North or North East out of Toronto to see something they could never see in the UK. If you are headed into the north country you will want to make sure it is not during mosquito or black-fly season :/ they would not be impressed with that.
Anywhere on the Bruce Trail. Niagara falls, Lions Head lookout, Cape Croker, Indian Head Cove, the Keyhole, the list goes on and on.
My next door neighbor's are fresh from Dubai. Ahtik has told me that he loves Canada, but it is very frightening. We have mountains, lakes, rivers and seasons. Lol.
Good suggestions for trail riding above. If they do want to ride motocross and not trails though you can take them to motopark in Chatsworth. I would say it's the best track in Ontario and the only one I know of that rents MX bikes.

You can check Gopher Dunes in Tillsonburg area but I think the only rentals they have are more beginner type trail bikes.

Edit. I'd really like to ride Sand Del Lee that baggsy linked too. That looks like a great track as well but I've never ridden out Ottawa way.
Mix things up and go flat-tracking with them? IIRC there was a facility out near Tilsonburg that had rentals/instruction.
Ottawa river whitewater rafting is ok, don't imagine they see anything like that in UK
would be a ~5 hour run up to Beachburgh but all nice roads to ride going up there.

... we used to ride the shoreline during low water up there, that was even better.
These guys provide rental / tour services and are for more accomplished riders. Trail tours or SMART has the potential to be boring for anyone who is an experienced rider.

Valley Rally
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