Stunt Driving - mississauga |

Stunt Driving - mississauga

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Bak Dur

Wanted to share with everyone and hopefully someone here finds it useful, just as i did. I got caught doing 70 over (132 in a 60) in Mississauga last year and was worried about my license being suspended for a year if i got convicted of stunt driving. I searched here and found a number of people recommending Forch LaRosa of Charged Legal Services (formerly known as Redline I think). I am so happy I called Forch and chose him over some of the other companies out there. Forch was great from the start and outlined our strategy on how to fight the ticket. Originally the prosecutor came back with a horrible plea deal of 6 points, $2k fine AND 1 year suspension. Peel was taking a hardline on stunt drivers and weren't offering good deals. Forch continued to work his ass off and when it was all said and done he got it down to a 3 point minor ticket with a fine. Search the forum and you'll see posts going back as early as 2014 praising Forch. Stay safe out there everyone.
I was in Newmarket fighting my first ever ticket 3 weeks ago. The prosecutor was rubber stamping 1st time 172s down to $300 fine and 3pts speeding - to lawyers, and to drivers representing themselves. No negotiation, she didn't even look up as she offered the deals.

Suggestion? try dealing with the prosecutor yourself before going to a paralegal. Might save yourself $1000-2000. The worst case is you tell the prosecutor you need more time, they reschedule your trial so you can then go get help.
Man, that's just nasty.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
I'm with Mathew. We complain about cagers infringing on our safety and alleged rights but fail to recognize others have rights and concerns as well. How about the hours of traffic delays while they scrape the riders brains off the road.

Yeah, it was 9 months of anxiety and worry.

Worry about who you could have harmed or worry about what it was going to cost you?
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I kind of agree, regardless of the time or traffic density that was an incredibly foolish thing to do.
I'm glad you got caught, faced the anxiety of your actions and hopefully learned your lesson.
I am not trying to sound cruel, the point is hopefully the OP learned a valuable life lesson and will drive/ride with a little more care.
And other (I assume younger) readers will see you don't always win. Even though you think you will...

When you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes..
I have mixed feelings about the OP getting off so easily on this.

I'm not certain what a minor ticket in a 60 kph is? I thought 0 - 29 over was minor ticket and 30 over was a major, unless you were charged with stunt driving, this being 40 over up in a zone with a speed limit of 79 kph and below and then 50 over for zones with a speed limit of 80 kph and above ............

So, I think this means he got a settlement for 89 kph in a 60 + cost of seizure ( towing + storage) + the fine. Towing and seizure is a sunk cost, you're never getting that back. So fine was probably $200 - $300. Dirt cheap consequences given the alternative.

132 on a residential road lined with houses is reckless. 132 on a road in the sticks someplace maybe less so.
132 on a residential road lined with houses is reckless. 132 on a road in the sticks someplace maybe less so.
If you don't mind being wrapped around a tree with no one in sight for hours.. Either way it is a very silly thing to do no matter the location. Take it to the track or respect the road and the rules.
all said and done it cost me $4500 out of pocket (impound and tow was $920 for the 14 days) and my insurance went up $500 for the year based on the 30 day suspension. Will probably go up even more at renewal with the conviction. I wouldn't call that getting off easy. not going to get into specifics of time/place/traffic etc. it was stupid plain and simple. One of the reasons i got "off easy" is because i have a 29 year near spotless record and i did a remedial driving course to assist with bargaining. LIke one of the posters above said, hopefully someone reads this and doesn't make the same mistake.
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