Streetcar tracks, clutch in? |

Streetcar tracks, clutch in?


Well-known member
Just checking, but is it safer to cross parallel streetcar tracks with power to the rear wheel or freewheeling? Missed anything about the tracks in the city in the basic course I took.

I ask because it feels better to freewheel over the tracks at 50degrees with the weight forward to avoid having the engine demand traction on the slick metal, but the "always power to rear wheel" rule tells me I'm misunderstanding something.

Since I didn't know for sure, maybe others don't either and we can get some insight.
whatever you do dont ever brake or slow down on the tracks (especially in the rain). ask my wallet how i know. $1000 damage lol
I second the no brakes on the tracks, esp in the wet. You don't want to learn the lesson first hand.

Kelp the throttle constant and cross at as steep of an angle as possible.
No, keep your RPM constant, dont accelerate or slow down while crossing streetcar tracks. Also try to stay as perpendicular to the ground and the tracks as possible. e.g. Dont lean/turn
Also.. if you are making a turn with the streetcar tracks that break off (to a split track).. BE CAREFUL! I had my front wheel want to follow the right turn track at the last second... it isn't good, goes down hard when it opposite locks on you that quickly!
whatever you do dont ever brake or slow down on the tracks (especially in the rain). ask my wallet how i know. $1000 damage lol

plus try not to lean too hard. No sudden moves
Also.. if you are making a turn with the streetcar tracks that break off (to a split track).. BE CAREFUL! I had my front wheel want to follow the right turn track at the last second... it isn't good, goes down hard when it opposite locks on you that quickly!

I go over obstacles with a little gas because of the above. When you accel the front is lighter and won't get grabbed as forcefully as when you have weight on it. If the rear slips who cares (if your straight up and not leaning), and your front is over the obstacle when the weight transfers back to the front.
I have been riding to work the past few days, and I almost fall on my first turn over the tracks.... learn my lesson. Don't use any throttle while crossing them at a bad angle
Full throttle over the tracks. Also do stoppies.

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