Steering stem bearing races have no "lip"

Matt Rain

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So I replaced my steering stem bearings this morning. I was expecting to find really old, loose ball bearings in there, but a previous owner had already upgraded to tapered rollers. Who'da thunk?

What threw me off was that the bearing races had zero lip I could use to drive them off. After checking them to make sure they were perfectly smooth, I had no choice but to reuse them with the new bearings. Thankfully the bearings were a perfect match and I'm finally rid of that "clunk" under hard braking.

But what happens when those races get worn/damaged? How the hell do I get them out of there?
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Pic of the work in progress - look 'ma, no front stand

Get a hold of a 110 mig welder for a few minutes and run a bead around the inside of the race. They literally fall out from shrinkage. Use the old races to final pound set the new races into the neck.
If you don't have access to a welder, but you own a Dremel tool, then use a cutoff wheel to make a slice almost all the way through the race. Don't grind down to the stem. Then take a cold chisel and break the race at the cut. The race should remove very easily.

Cool the stem in the freezer (to shrink it), warm the new bearings in the oven (to expand them) and the new bearings should drop right on.
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I misread. The welder won't help on the stem. I meant the neck races.
No no, I *am* talking about the neck races. The stem was a piece of cake.

LOL, you said drive them off, so you mean drive them out. razz
I don't need no lip.
Take a die grinder or dremel and cut a slot in the cup. when you get close to all the way through the internal tension will snap the bearing.
Heat up the whole assembly, then take a can of compressed air, turn the can upside down and shake it, then spray the cup. It will fall off/out.

Press the new bearing cups in. DO NOT USE A HAMMER... on any bearing.
Millions of races have been installed by hammer and wood block. FULL CAPS NOT NEEDED.
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