Steel City Riders Observed Trial,June 9th

Good luck, ride smart and HAVE FUN!
Those trials guys look like a friendly bunch.
I entered the novice class just to get my feet wet again.Had a blast and came home with a trophy.Steel City Riders rock!
Awesome job! Takes too much skill for me to get in to that sport I tell ya lol. Pretty easy in MX, just twist the throttle and hope you clear it... Hit some ruts? Grab a fistfull... Gonna run over another bike? Grab a fist full... Pretty simple lol.
Awesome job! I was wondering how you were going to make this thread about you.
How was the training day?

It was a lot of fun! Definitely some different skills to learn on a trials bike. I went mountain biking yesterday and found myself applying some techniques I learned on Friday so that's cool. haha
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