Starting Troubles, looking for someone to help |

Starting Troubles, looking for someone to help


Well-known member

Hey guys, Im a new bike owner and have not been able to ride my machine due to the seller being totally dishonest about the bike. I got the bike home and havent been able to get it to start since. It burbles a bit and back fires but wont start. I am a mechanic by trade and have done the usual things but im at a loss right now.

If anyone feels charitable and would like to come by my place in Brampton and have a look please let me know. If you have any ideas of things to check im open at this point. Its 93 ninja 600
Did the bike run when he sold it to you? All hoses and lines are hooked up properly? Youre using the choke to start it, right?

What usual things have you done?
Ok so I got the bike from the owner, who started it when I was there. I had it running for all of 15 seconds in the last month. When I couldnt get it to start I started taking things off and discovered a few things. The 2 last carbs leak fuel, the nut on the main sproket was loose, and one of the spark wires was broken, and another one fell apart in my hand. I used some toyota wires from my car to fix the wires and I get spark during a test. Im pretty sure the firing order is correct as I used the pictures in the manual to reference it. I checked the trigger wheel gap and it is at .75mm. The fuel pump I replaced with a new oem one. For some reason the fuel pump and headlight stopped getting power and would not turn on. I jumped some power from another circuit and now they both work. I took the carbs off and cleaned them out (lots of build up on the back of the intake valves) Someone has been into the bike before because a lot of the screws are stripped. I tried quick start and that didnt help. I tried taking out the air filter, cleaning the plugs, fresh gas. I know its something simple im missing, maybe the start up procedure because the bike will burble a bit and fire but not strong enough to run. After you crank it for a bit, it will give a big afterfire and a nice flame. It has a single pipe exhaust on it and thats it as far as I can tell for modifications.

93 ninja 600.

No idea whats wrong with your bike. Have a hard time believing that it started and ran no problem before and then all of a sudden it had a million problems.

Im gonna ask again, youre using the choke when trying to start, right? Have you taken the carbs off and checked them to make sure theyre clean? Grab a manual for the bike and set the pilots/throttle stops to the factory locations after youve cleaned the carbs, or at least inspected them..
Put in brand new plugs, Cleaning them doesn't always work. You'd be surprised what brand new plugs will do, it's worth the 25 dollar gamble.
Try twisting the throttle back just a bit to allow more fuel while cranking it over. If you pulled the carbs maybe you hit he idle adjust screw a little or something along those lines.. If that doesn't work, try opening the throttle just a little and spray a little carb cleaner or starter fluid in the air box. If the throttle wasn't open a little the last time you tried using it then it just pooled in the carbs not allowing it to pass into the combustion chamber. If it fires then you have a fuel problem. If not then it may be timing.
What is there to adjust the timing with on this motor? I saw the timing rotor, I adjusted the gap on that and it turns over a bit better now
Firing order is 1-2-4-3, sitting on the bike left to right the cylinders are 1-2-3-4. Did you run a compression test? Have you tried bump starting the bike? Im gonna ask one more time, choke is on, correct? If youre getting fuel spark and air, the only thing left is compression.
measure the resistance of the spark plug caps, isolate them from the wire, they should be replaced if over 8k resistance.
I assume the bike has compression, It sounds like it is makin it, and was running. The caps +wire had 14k resistance, is this a common problem? should I order 4 of them?
Dont assume the bike has compression, a 5 minute test with a 20 dollar tool will tell you, and if it DOESNT have compression youre saving yourself a lot of time. If you dont have the tool (you said youre a mechanic, you should??) you can also just put your thumb over the plug holes and crank it over. If your thumb gets blown off the hole, compression should be good.

But yeah, get new cables. You used car cables so i mean, theyre most likely not the right spec anyway.

Dont skip steps when youre troubleshooting. Assuming leads to doing so much more work in the future. My bike stalled like it was out of fuel on saturday, i assumed the worst and started unpacking the toolkit to start pulling the plugs and doing a bit of on the road repair... turns out i just forgot to turn the petcock to "on" (i normally never turn the petcock off but i parked the bike on a really big slope). If i had just assumed that because i put gas in it that the bike was getting fuel, i probably would have started tearing parts off trying to figure out why it stalled.
your right, i will check it out. The bike was runing before, so im not really making an assumption.
In anycase, i found the connector on the recitifier to show alot of signs of heat damage, also found a broken wire along the fork. its Orang and Green, will look into it tomorrow
14k ohms with the wire? i would buy 4 new spark plug caps and start fresh at 5k ohms. that heat damage you found at the connector is a sign of a bad battery,the stator is working overtime with the reg/rec to recharge a weak battery,check terimalbolts for tightness.

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