Starter solenoid - auto equivalent?


King of GTAM
Site Supporter
I might have a spare one from a kawi or a GSXR...I gotta look around. But I don't see why you couldn't use it...
No cars that I know of use a relay like that, they use a different device that is built into the starter motor itself (and also serves the purpose of pulling the starter's gear drive into engagement).

But, practically every motorcycle uses a relay and main fuse holder which are very similar to that, so you could just go to any bike wrecker's with your non-working relay and find another one.
Ford used one like that forever also on many tractors, tsc and ct will both have something similar. They are also used on hydraulic power packs.

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Thanks all, I scrounged up a spare from someone.

I find it weird though, that there's Chinese knockoffs of this part on eBay - listed under ZX11 even. How big of a market can that be? :P
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