Starkey ear plugs - which is the best option? |

Starkey ear plugs - which is the best option?


Well-known member

I'm getting custom earplugs made and the audiologist is recommending Starkey models ( ). Work health insurance covers the cost for me so I'm not concerned about the price. What I want to know is which one of the three models illustrated on that site would be optimal for motorcycle use? I think the High Frequency Noise Filter model would work but is the Sonic-valve way too much? Opinions?
I don't think high frequency is a concern. It's the exhaust pulse and wind noise that are damaging for us, and they are both low frequency noises.

Never heard about the Sonic Valve, sounds interesting (no pun intended). Personally I'd go with solid rather than compromise noise isolation for the sake of the odd conversation.
get the solids.

the sonic valve is essentially a one-way valve that snaps shut when hit with an intense, sudden sound wave (gunshot, etc), and is not designed for long exposure to loud noises.

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