staged crashes in the Richmond Hill/Markham/Scarborough/ North York area?


This has happened to two completely unrelated family friends of mine.

Two cars are parked at the curb just before a right turn into a plaza or something...
my friends were waiting to turn left into the same laneway. The two cars signal the friend to go and right when they start turning the first parked car throttles in front of my friend.

I forgot specifically what the second car does but I think they're the 'witness'
One of these incidences happened outside the Scarbourough Chinese Baptist Church on Kennedy south of Steeles.

Anyone else seen this or heard of this going on?
Yep, its happening at a crazy rate. Not only is it happening in Toronto, but out in the east end too.

There was an article in the local paper for the Durham Region, with a write up about it.
So should I T-bone the car? Or let it T-bone me? Please explain... Lol
This scam has been going on for years. They intimidate the victim into paying out of pocket on the spot. Best thing to do is just call the cops and see what their reaction is.
This scam has been going on for years. They intimidate the victim into paying out of pocket on the spot. Best thing to do is just call the cops and see what their reaction is.

They usually want the accident benefits under they're auto policy. They'll lawyer up right away and go to a shady rehab clinic. Happens all the time. I know of 2 or 3 ways they manipulate the general public into having an accident.

One way is they'll be on say the 401 and one of their buddies will drive up along side them and then in a planned manuveur cut in front of their friend. Their friend will jam on the brakes causing you to rear end them and as per the fault determination rules, you're at fault. They'll claim they're injured and oh what a terriable accident blah blah blah....
This was happening with taxis about a decade back. I remember a rash of reportings that taxi drivers (who always drive awful as it is), would set themselves up in a manner so that they hit their brakes, and you rear end them.

Ever since then, I've always, always, always been weary around taxi drivers. They hate their job, and if they can get a paid vacation at your expense, don't think they won't.
I believe that some cops in Brampton were also linked to these incidents.

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I've also heard that even though there might only be one person in the car at the time of the accient, when it comes time to claim the accident benefits, all of a sudden there were three or four people in the car.
Something similar happened to the wife of a coworker of mine about 2 years ago. Some intersection in the GTA, scary how close to home - being someone I know directly - it can be. People came out of the woodwork claiming they were injured, even though there was only one person in the car that T-boned her....they got a lawyer, I know there were millions of dollars at stake for liability, medical expenses, legal fees, etc. Everyone around them at the scene, even the witnesses (who were in on it) spoke a different language and convieniently little English etc. I don't remember all the details or the outcome, but yet this is a crazy scam that happens, everywhere. I've often thought about recording while driving, but would have to buy like 4 cameras for the sides, front and rear of the car to have full viewing.
This has been happening for decades. It can also be at a parking lot. They give you the OK to back out and then wham.
Wow, I hope those scammers get some jail time
They usually want the accident benefits under they're auto policy. They'll lawyer up right away and go to a shady rehab clinic. Happens all the time. I know of 2 or 3 ways they manipulate the general public into having an accident.

One way is they'll be on say the 401 and one of their buddies will drive up along side them and then in a planned manuveur cut in front of their friend. Their friend will jam on the brakes causing you to rear end them and as per the fault determination rules, you're at fault. They'll claim they're injured and oh what a terriable accident blah blah blah....

Ahhh yes, I remember a car load of people doing that, these mental giants decided to go after the big bucks and perform that manoeuvre against a transport truck... They didn't need AB, but they did meet one of the qualifications for the death benefit. And they did get the other car that was involved.
I remember a couple of years back there was a scam going around involving a bull dozer or something. The scam went horriably wrong and one of the members in the car was killed upon impact with the parked bull dozer.
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