St. catherines riders ( everyone welcome) last big Fall ride


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all day ride, with lots of time to meet up at other locations.

hows about we plan something for SAT SEPT 17 TH
anyone else up for it? ?? ? lets shoot for 30 plus riders!
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I'll keep it open Cat, count me in.
i'll add it to the calendar. Unless something happens with my sons hockey or some commitment comes along that my wife hasn't told me about yet, I'll make my best effort
Count me in for Sep 17/2011, my bro and buddy will come as well I am sure.
Working saturday.
Picking up a bike sunday afternoon/evening in Waterloo.
I'm still in for Saturday (tomorrow), still 9am in Port? Any idea where we are going? Can't wait!
Mike we need to take the route we went to hamilton, that was fun

Which route?
8th Ave to 14 to 69 through smithville to Ridge Road to Centennial?
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