ST 1100 clutch problem - anyone got some insight?


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I have a 1993 pan european with an intermittent clutch problem. I have seen a similar post, but I have already tried what was suggested.
The clutch lever goes soft on frequent gear changes in town and riding the clutch - open road riding no problems. It gets back as far as the grip, then ends up stalling and cannot get into neutral unless I turn the key off and back on - but lever will not keep the gear disengaged - put in gear jerk forward and stall.

Noticed it was a bit soft but then by the time I got to Herberton was barely working. ( 150 km ride.
Did not realize it's hydraulic
By the time I got down the Kuranda Road I could get it into neutral again but clutch was still soft.

Any experience with this "soft clutch" - a number of other riders had similar issues.
I would flush and bleed the clutch hydraulic system and see if there is a improvementin the lever feel, if there was I would keep my eye on the clutch master cylinder fluid level to see if there is a leak.
Bleed the system and check for leaks:

Around the master cylinder like Ronnie suggested. You have an integrated reservoir so any leaks around the master would be at the piston or at the banjo bolt.

Another common place for leaks is the slave cylinder which should be on the clutch side of the bike around your gear shift linkage. Best thing to do is remove the slave cylinder from the engine cover/crank case. Check for leakage around the slave piston.

While your slave cylinder is out, pull the push rod out and check for wear.

If everything checks out okay and your still having issues, your old hydraulic line might be flexing too much. Get a steel braided line. I prefer Spiegler lines. A clutch line will run you maybe $100.
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