Sprocket terms?


Well-known member
Been riding for about a year but am really not that good with the technical side. I keep hearing about ppl talking about sprockets and numbers like +1/-1 etc. What does this actually mean?

I'm assuming it has to do with the sprocket/chain but what does changing the size actually accomplish?
They're talking the number of teeth to adjust, front and back. Usually it's -1/+2 or something..so you put a sprocket with 1 less tooth on the front and 2 more on the back. This changes the effective final drive of your bike. Imagine your 10 speed bicycle..less teeth on the front and mroe on the back means it's easier to pedal. But you can go as fast. Same with the bike. You get more acceleration, change gears more but your absolute top speed is theoretically less. I say theoretically because not all bikes are capable of pulling to redline in top gear. So your top speed may not change. And in any event, most bikes don't need 189mph around town..
Gearing up/down....higher top speed or more grunt down low.
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