sprocket choices 07 zx6 | GTAMotorcycle.com

sprocket choices 07 zx6


Active member
hey guys I just bought a 07 zx6 to go racing with the great folks at SOAR just wondering if anyone could give me some idea of what sprocket combo's are most used ....just so I don't end up wasting cash on gearing that not in the right range.thanks for any imfo ......oh and if you help me out I promise not to pass you LOL:lmao:(seariously I'm just an old guy that wants to have fun)
It depends a lot on how fast you are. Variance in corner speed changes your shift points so what works for one may not work for you.

-1+2 is usually a good starting point but odds are if you keep racing you'll end up with a collection of sprockets. Right now i have -1 and -2 fronts and +1, +2, +3 and +4 rears.

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