Does anyone know anybody that can lace new spokes?
Lacing is easy I usually do that myself, its the tightening/truing of the wheel after the lacing thats a pain in the ***
Anyways any shop that deals with dirt or trail bikes should be able to lace and true spoked wheels
wanna teach me?!? (yes yes I know I know....)
what kind of wheels are you lacing.
There are differences based on the use.
You want a different setup for MX style wheels vs a Supermoto style wheel.
If you're stuck, I can do it, I've done LOTS of them.
I don't have the workspace for DIY yet. Anyone recommend a place? I know it's about $40 just to take the tires on and off so how much will it be for the rest?
Thanks crankcall - I'll keep that as a last resort. Will check them out though