Speeding in North Carolina | GTAMotorcycle.com

Speeding in North Carolina


I got caught speeding in North Carolina. Does this have any effect on my insurance rates here in Canada? Any help would be appreciated.
but if you don't pay or show up they'll issue a bench warrant and you'll be screwed next time you get pulled over there
Our group's experience has been that if you pay the ticket promptly, nothing further will happen. It's when they have to come looking for you (for non-payment) that there can be trouble.
Our group's experience has been that if you pay the ticket promptly, nothing further will happen. It's when they have to come looking for you (for non-payment) that there can be trouble.

What kind of trouble? I had two speeding tickets in two separate states which I left unpaid for over 15 years. I paid one of them a few years ago with no penalty other than a one-time late fee. The other one is still unpaid.
North Carolina does have reciprocity with Ontario; if they report it then it will affect your rates. The big variable is whether or not they report it.
Wrong. Only states that physically touch Ontario's border share data.. New York, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin.....

Most states do have reciprocity agreements with Ontario, only a handful doesn't. Whether they actually do share data about traffic violations or not is a separate matter.
Most states do have reciprocity agreements with Ontario, only a handful doesn't. Whether they actually do share data about traffic violations or not is a separate matter.
yeah i heard about 75 percent or more of the states has reciprocity with ontario. Not completely sure...
R M has a sticky on which states have reciprocity with Ontario but I'm not sure if it is for payment only ie not renewing your licence if there are outstanding fines or if it also includes demerit points.
The payment thing is simple but offences can be confusing.
If you did something in the USA that was illegal there but not here should the conviction transfer. Why should you be punished in Ontario for something that isn't illegal here.
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I still have an unpaid ticket from one of the states on that list from 1994, and nothing yet. They don't do a very good job enforcing reciprocity.

It depends on a variety of factors, including the magnitude on the offence. Even if you don't get hit with the bill, when back at home, you can go back down and find yourself under arrest, on a traffic warrant, if you happen to get stopped again.
I've accrued tickets from many states without any issues with my license here. Off the top of my head, Virginia, West Virginia, Florida, New Hampshire (two tickets within a one month span), California, Massachusetts, North Carolina. I have never paid any of them and have never had anything show up on my Ontario license. I just try to stay out of those states afterwards and if I do end up in them, I take it easy.
Question: If you're in states can the popo run your plates on their system while you're riding and see if you have any traffic warrants against you? Do they have access to the Ontario system or is it a shared universal system?
Question: If you're in states can the popo run your plates on their system while you're riding and see if you have any traffic warrants against you? Do they have access to the Ontario system or is it a shared universal system?

Yes, no, and no.
Question: If you're in states can the popo run your plates on their system while you're riding and see if you have any traffic warrants against you? Do they have access to the Ontario system or is it a shared universal system?

When I got pulled over in Wisconsin, the cop had a lot of trouble finding me in the system. It took about 20 minutes of running my plate, name, address, license number, DOB. Until finally he ran my VIN, he pulled up my file and was able to issue me a ticket. Traffic stop took all of 30 minutes...
Thanks for the info. I will pay the ticket. Trooper only asked for my license, no insurance.

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