Speaking of 'please, think of the children'..

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At this point, i think that whether he blogs it or not doesnt make any difference...

its probably VERY OBVIOUS in the way he interacts with both.
I'm not a parent (yet), but I'll give a personal example that may or may not be relevant. I have multiple nieces and nephews, and I have one particular niece that I'm very close to. She's 9 vs her younger sister who is 2 and a half. The 9 year old is at an age where we can go do things together, have conversations, play video games, etc. The younger sister is an age that I don't "relate" to as well, so I'm not so sure what to do with her as much. But this is purely an age thing, and has nothing to do with "love". But it seems to be the reasoning behind this guy's preference.

It sounds like he needed to word this better, and not use terms like "favourite". In fact, why talk about it at all and raise all of this controversy? I have a hard time believing that he's surprised at the reaction.
Some people are just less equal then others hehe
As a parent of two. I have my little girl who is the apple of my eye and has me tied around her finger. Then I have my little man who I love dearly and would die for. Unfortunately as far as "love" is concerned, you would probably think I love my girl more because I'm more affectionate with. I personally find it easier to cuddle up on the couch with my little girl than I ever did with my son. I think this is a different situation being a girl and boy.

As a son with one brother, I always thought my brother was the favourite. He got straight A's, went to college, is EXTREMELY successful. While I got arrested, went to juvie at 15, smoked pot and dropped acid, knocked my girlfriend up, married her at 22 (three months pregnent). Now that I am 32, I would actually say that we were both the favourites, just at different times in our lives.
I'm pretty partial to the child who gives me the least amount of grief. My favorites change on a hour by hour biases.
I'm pretty partial to the child who gives me the least amount of grief. My favorites change on a hour by hour biases.

Which one do u take on rides more?
Heard this on CBC the other day. Thing like this just make me laugh. The media musta been having one slooooow day for this to make headlines.

I for one like people who speak their mind and dont care about the opinion of who's listening. Being brutally honest is one of the most enjoyable traits I feel anyone can posses.

This guy admitted to something a lot of parents do and will never admit to. So what? Who really cares? There is nothing to argue about. It's one man's point of view. You don't like it? Nobody was asking you to.
I'm just not a fan of the attention whoring, and then the media obliging and making it a big deal.

I have no kids and don't plan on it, but my aunt/uncle have twins, both boys. One is a royal ****** and no one in the family likes him, or has ever liked him (secretly my uncle is planning on kicking him out when he's 18 ). They're both 15 now.
I'm my favorite child.;)

So parents, what's the general consensus on something like this? I'm guessing that many parents secretly have a "preferred" child for whatever reason. But is it OK to publicly blog about something like this? Does being honest trump any potential consequences for the non-favourite child?

It's definitely not the gay one.

(I just read that other hate-filled thread .. .thought i'd make a funny/not funny)
Kids know who the favourite one is.
My sister has been flown around the world on my moms dime for dancing.
Me, my mom wouldn't dish out $50 for me to play highschool football and hasnt once seen me race.
I paid for my flying lessons at 14, got good marks in advanced highschool and was a really responsible teen. My sister was basically the opposite.
Does it bother me? As a kid it did, but as an adult I just say its made me better by doing everything on my own and I didn't need mommys hand to hold me the entire way.
As a parent of two. I have my little girl who is the apple of my eye and has me tied around her finger. Then I have my little man who I love dearly and would die for. Unfortunately as far as "love" is concerned, you would probably think I love my girl more because I'm more affectionate with. I personally find it easier to cuddle up on the couch with my little girl than I ever did with my son. I think this is a different situation being a girl and boy.

As a son with one brother, I always thought my brother was the favourite. He got straight A's, went to college, is EXTREMELY successful. While I got arrested, went to juvie at 15, smoked pot and dropped acid, knocked my girlfriend up, married her at 22 (three months pregnent). Now that I am 32, I would actually say that we were both the favourites, just at different times in our lives.

How old is your son? If he's around her age, get over it & cuddle w him also, it's never too late...too many guys have grown up thinking the only way they can have human touch is through sex. Boys, & girls, need affection from both parents. Too many poorly raised guys concerned about looking "gay" .... lack of affection from their dads....they think that any affection between guys is "gay"!...sad! Reminds me of a poem..............
Philip Larkin - This Be The Verse

They f*** you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had And add some extra, just for you. But they were f***ed up in their turn By fools in old-style hats and coats, Who half the time were soppy-stern And half at one another's throats. Man hands on misery to man. It deepens like a coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can, And don't have any kids yourself.
For those of you who felt like there was definitely a "favourite" sibling growing up, would it had made a difference to you if your mom or dad came right out and said it? Personally, I think it's one of those things that you never say to a kid outright, and keep up the mantra of "I love all my children equally".

I think my siblings would argue that I was the favourite, being the baby and all. And I *was* the gay one. :D
Pretty sure that if my mom said it, I would have said "no ****". I doubt it would have effected me.

However, I've heard that I'm my grandmas favourite and that's all that matters!
How old is your son? If he's around her age, get over it & cuddle w him also, it's never too late...too many guys have grown up thinking the only way they can have human touch is through sex. Boys, & girls, need affection from both parents. Too many poorly raised guys concerned about looking "gay" .... lack of affection from their dads....they think that any affection between guys is "gay"!...sad! .

He just turned 10 and she is 6. I hug him and pat his head kid of thing, and I try to wrestle around with him. I was an addicted gamer, so I missed out on his first 4 years, so I never felt that "love", and I was 22 when he was born. I am older now and unfortunately I'm doing what I did wrong to him and making sure I don't make the same mistake with his sister.
Pretty sure that if my mom said it, I would have said "no ****". I doubt it would have effected me.

However, I've heard that I'm my grandmas favourite and that's all that matters!

I think as a kid it would affect me, but not as an adult.

I know what you mean about grandma's favourite. I was fortunate to grow up to 8 living next door to my grandparents.
I think I was my parents favorite. All of my older brothers (and now younger sisters) get EVERYTHING they want and ask for, and beg and cry for (my dad is horrible at punishment; can't punish a kid if his life depended on it.)
I, however, didn't beg or whine or ***** or complain. My parents couldn't buy my love; I got better grades in school, did all of my work, never caused any problem (well, there were 1 or 2 incidents... but the people I fought deserved it.)
I did most of my stuff on my own (by the time I was in 3rd grade I was tutoring 8th graders in math. never once had to ask my parents for help with homework (which is a good thing... neither of them graduated HS either. nor my brothers. nor will any of them be))
So I was their favorite because I didn't make life a living hell for them, didn't ask for anything, and they couldn't buy my love like they could my brothers. As a kid they always spoke highly of me, and praised me; and even now they still do whenever they talk to someone. I can't remember how many times I've heard "Oh, you must be Brad, your dad/mom has told me so much about you!" And you can just see/hear the dissappointment in my parents eyes/voice when they speak of any of my other siblings (for the record: i have 3 half brothers sharing a mother different than mine, 1 full brother sharing the same mother, and 2 half sisters sharing a mother different than mine. My mom raised the 3 other brothers though. Parents are also split up, for reference.)
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