OK: Bought a new battery yesterday. Connecting it today.
Had no issue disconnecting the old one (negative first, positive after).
Went to connect the new one... Positive post first... went to connect the negative and as soon as the connecter touched the post it let off sparks! :S
It did that two or three times, now it doesn't spark if it is touched to the post, but i'm scared to continue. I'm nervous if i touch it while connecting the Negative post that i might get electrocuted.
Attached a photo of the current situation.
Also: the Green wire. Is that the grounding/neutral cable and should it be on the Positive post? Or the Negative? Because no one seems to have noticed if it was in the wrong place!!
OK: Bought a new battery yesterday. Connecting it today.
Had no issue disconnecting the old one (negative first, positive after).
Went to connect the new one... Positive post first... went to connect the negative and as soon as the connecter touched the post it let off sparks! :S
It did that two or three times, now it doesn't spark if it is touched to the post, but i'm scared to continue. I'm nervous if i touch it while connecting the Negative post that i might get electrocuted.
Attached a photo of the current situation.
Also: the Green wire. Is that the grounding/neutral cable and should it be on the Positive post? Or the Negative? Because no one seems to have noticed if it was in the wrong place!!