Sound check


Well-known member
Did you know that noise from motorcycles when idle should not exceed certain decibel limits? The City of Toronto is hosting a free event to allow motorcycle drivers to have the sound levels on their bike tested and learn more about the regulations.
Join us: Monday, August 30 at 433 Eastern Avenue, 6-9 p.m.
If this results in banning harleys in toronto, Id spend more time there.
If this results in banning harleys in toronto, Id spend more time there.
A harley with stock pipes should pass easily (I don't know if I have ever seen one of those). Even a harley with reasonable aftermarket mufflers should pass. These bylaws are low-hanging fruit to pick off the straight pipes and GP exhausts.
Seen some straight pipe sport bikes on the streets that are a lot louder than Harleys
I wanna crash one of these but waiting for them to hold one of the events west side. Anybody hear about a "sound check" being held in Hamilton?
Last I checked the hammer didn't have a quantitative by-law. Oakville, caledon and toronto have it iirc.

It's coming. They're talking about it now. Once one of the (loopier) Marxist city councilors figures out how they can somehow justify a noise bylaw being able to help solve the homeless issue it will pass unanimously (with a hearty round of back patting and left fives).
If this results in banning harleys in toronto, Id spend more time there.
Lol, Toronto will be just fine without you.
My facts might be wrong but I'll say there are more modified cars on the road than motorcycles, making much more noise for much longer times. If anyone thinks that Harley's are the sole reason for a noise bylaw, they are pretty ignorant to what else is making noise.
Lol, Toronto will be just fine without you.
My facts might be wrong but I'll say there are more modified cars on the road than motorcycles, making much more noise for much longer times. If anyone thinks that Harley's are the sole reason for a noise bylaw, they are pretty ignorant to what else is making noise.
Honestly bikes get a lot more complaints filed than cars. Not saying there are more of them on the road but they annoy more people. Sport bikes and cruisers are both well represented in the complaints.
Honestly bikes get a lot more complaints filed than cars. Not saying there are more of them on the road but they annoy more people. Sport bikes and cruisers are both well represented in the complaints.
Don't disagree, summer months, people outside etc. Any references to the actual numbers?
Don't disagree, summer months, people outside etc. Any references to the actual numbers?
I think I've seen them before but cant remember the source. Could have been from talking to MLS. Dont remember well enough to confidently quote numbers.

While I agree with much that is said in this article, I’m not sure about the suggested “solution” …

"But the inventor of the muffler, who also invented the short-lived Octoauto, failed to bank on one very powerful factor that would ultimately prevent universal adoption of his device on motorcycles: **********.

Peacocking, narcissist, insecure, emotionally stunted, look-at-me motorcycling **********"

"If, like most unmuffled motorcyclists I’ve seen, the rider is adopting zero per cent of these behaviours, you can safely conclude that their pipes actually aren’t about safety at all. As cited earlier, it is about being a *********"

They got the doppler effect entirely wrong. Not even close to what is actually is.
Peacocking, narcissist, insecure, emotionally stunted, look-at-me motorcycling **********"
This could be said about anyone on a motorcycle, loud pipes or not. To simply assume that one changing there exhaust is only for the "look at me factor" is pretty foolish. In my experience, I've seen more idiots on stock bikes then I have on modified bikes.

I will however agree that an idiot on a LOUD bike quickly draws far more attention than one on a virtually silent bike.
This could be said about anyone on a motorcycle, loud pipes or not. To simply assume that one changing there exhaust is only for the "look at me factor" is pretty foolish. In my experience, I've seen more idiots on stock bikes then I have on modified bikes.

I will however agree that an idiot on a LOUD bike quickly draws far more attention than one on a virtually silent bike.
It may not only be look at me but it is undeniably putting the individual riders personal desire above the desires of thousands (or downtown hundreds of thousands) of others peoples desires. There are very few in the public that feel that loud pipes make their lives better.
It may not only be look at me but it is undeniably putting the individual riders personal desire above the desires of thousands (or downtown hundreds of thousands) of others peoples desires. There are very few in the public that feel that loud pipes make their lives better.
While there is some truth to this, I'm thinking mountain out of a mole hill...
While there is some truth to this, I'm thinking mountain out of a mole hill...
While sitting in Coboconk last weekend eating lunch some douche rode through town on his loud harley with his stereo cranked because the shinny POS was so loud he couldn't hear his stereo otherwise. After crossing the river he realized that he was through the village so he turned around and serenaded the towns folk again. The table across from me ranged in age from retirement to 20's or so, all family I think. The older fellow remarked, "F***'n stupid a##***e." Which prompted the youngest woman to describe the South Park episode, resulting in much laughter, an agreement with the perspective and a discussion about compensating for tiny penises, and the propensity for old men on harley's to be wannabe outlaws.

There apparently was a ride for sight rally in Fenlon Falls so the Kawarthas were crawling with the noisiest and shiniest trailer queens and the SUV/trailer rigs that got them there.

To say that the guys on the loud cruisers or sportbikes, in the little crapbox ricers, the expensively decked out ricers, the jacked up 4X4's with the rumbly dual exhausts are doing it for any other reason than look-at-me is just kidding yourself.

Whether it's a mole hill, a mountain, or a pimple these dumbasses are easy pickings for the cops and going after them generates plenty of goodwill from the population in general.
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