..starting today, where/how to watch? FX Canada only has past seasons
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
I hate watching it online, im a sucker for watching stuff in hd on my big screen so i watched it on bell.
Lol. Yes you are a sucker.
Download the torrent in HD and hook your computer up to it and watch it in HD. And commercial free I might add.
not true Hd though. Either way i also like to watch it right away. A couple bucks for a show I like isn going to kill me, i could think of worst things I could spend it on.
That was a pretty high body count for season premier.... and gruesome too.
Shhhhhhhht! Some of us haven't seen it yet! ;-)
If you haven't seen a show after 24 hours of it's air-time, you accept any and all responsibility for the episode to be spoiled by entering any threads about it
That depends entirely on the file you download.