Sons of Anarchy Season 5

Cool, i was wondering when my favorite show was coming back. Will watch tomorrow when it hits the torrents.
Just starting Season 3. Don't spoil it... for those who don't mind torrents...

I hate watching it online, im a sucker for watching stuff in hd on my big screen so i watched it on bell. I found out what channel is was on the night before but it was a premium channel i had to pay extra for. Its on superchannel. It costs me $15 per month extra but they also have a lot of movies so i am not too upset about that and worse case i can cancel after soa is done.
i also have PVR so can pvr them an have them on hand!
I hate watching it online, im a sucker for watching stuff in hd on my big screen so i watched it on bell.

Lol. Yes you are a sucker. :)

Download the torrent in HD and hook your computer up to it and watch it in HD. And commercial free I might add.
not true Hd though. Either way i also like to watch it right away. A couple bucks for a show I like isn going to kill me, i could think of worst things I could spend it on.

Lol. Yes you are a sucker. :)

Download the torrent in HD and hook your computer up to it and watch it in HD. And commercial free I might add.
not true Hd though. Either way i also like to watch it right away. A couple bucks for a show I like isn going to kill me, i could think of worst things I could spend it on.

That depends entirely on the file you download. usually an HD/720P file will get uploaded a few hours after air-time. Or you can try to join file gets uploaded within 10-15 minutes of the show's end.

That was a pretty high body count for season premier.... and gruesome too.
Shhhhhhhht! Some of us haven't seen it yet! ;-)

If you haven't seen a show after 24 hours of it's air-time, you accept any and all responsibility for the episode to be spoiled by entering any threads about it :P
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Probably the most chilling scene since its inception happened last episode.... very dark! Plus side though like you said ... whore side boob and gemma bent over was pretty good!
If you haven't seen a show after 24 hours of it's air-time, you accept any and all responsibility for the episode to be spoiled by entering any threads about it :P

Fair enough!

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