"There were surprises. Ms. Patterson thought a penny paid for a roll of paper towels—instead, it was for a 24-roll pack. The school received 53 packs, records show. "We were just wondering whose idea this was," said Ms. Patterson, "and if they still had their job."
Staples declined to comment on personnel matters.
The No. 1 item purchased by Attica Correctional Facility, the famous maximum-security prison, was Premium #1 Paper Clips—a half million of them. The clips came with a list price of $3,750. The prison paid $5."
When I opened my business 25 years ago Business Depot, now Staples, gave me a box of stationery free for signing up for a corporate card (Which I never used). I still have staples, paper clips and rolls of adding machine paper.
In the same (Or worse) class of stupidity is the settlement BP negotiated for the Gulf oil spill. It was so open that anyone could claim without being challenged. A guy in Norway claimed for a broken leg that he sustained while going to the post office to file a different claim.
"I had to go somewhere else for vacation and it cost me more. Give me money."