Some alcohol consumption is healthier than abstinence

I cant actually believe i read that whole thing. So after all that verbal vomit, constantly ad nausem repeating itself in different ways, he still didnt tell us WHY alcohols is better for us.

The U.S. is not a heavy-drinking nation, yet its health outcomes are poor compared with other economically-advanced nations.

Correlation does not imply Causation. To even write such an idiotic statement directly linking US health to the direct amount of alcohol being consumed basically blows him right out of the water.

Hes saying that i need to drink 4 drinks a day to live longest. Is he out of his mind? I'd be plastered every night.
I've been saving this for over 10 years ever since I saw it posted in The Jakarta Post:

Didn't read the whole thing but my mind went back to "Cheers" and Cliff Claven who did a thing about drinking killing off the weak brain cells like wolves kill off weak buffalo. He finishes by saying "That's why you feel smarter after having a few beers."

When they interview people that turn 100 they either never touch the stuff or have a nip every day. Didn't the Queen Mom live on gin and tonic? 100+ for her.
When they interview people that turn 100 they either never touch the stuff or have a nip every day. Didn't the Queen Mom live on gin and tonic? 100+ for her.

The last woman I remember turning 100 had a pint of Guinness everyday! Like most things moderation is the key!
The last woman I remember turning 100 had a pint of Guinness everyday! Like most things moderation is the key!

Agreed. Even moderation in moderation! :)
I drink a day would have you classified as an alkie according to our medical establishment. I disagree with that, but I can go for months without drinking when in Canada simply because I don't feel like it. Abroad, I usually have a couple of drinks a day but I get access to better booze than what we can get here at reasonable prices. Must be something else (lifestyle?) but I also maintain a good stash of shine from abroad and still very rarely drink it - only when I have guests over. That's coming from a guy who got smashed 4 days a week in his frosh year lol
I love these studies that always come out.

Pretty sure that what it boils down to is that someone who is well-balanced enough that they will happily have a drink or two every day without going on some sort of bender already has a reasonably temperate personality. In short, these are the people who enjoy themselves, who are comfortable. And a well-balanced person capable of responsibly enjoying themselves every day probably has a pretty good shot at living longer! Or so I'd guess, in my wholly unscientific way.
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