I've been looking at solar and wind as ways to have back up power for my water heater and water pump...
the problem with a generator is if I don't have power odds are the gas station doesn't have power either + you can not store fuel indefinitely.
so I've been looking at having a bank of batteries, and inverter and solar/wind power generation.
question is how many batteries (12V) will i need and how much solar/wind capacity would be needed to charge the batteries for daily use? Obviously both systems are not in constant use, and the biggest use is probably showers and washing clothes (I wouldn't bother using the dryer to dry clothes). Unfortunately I don't know how much my daily use of the electricity is the water heater(40G)/water pump (3/4HP).
I have figured out I would need a 5000W inverter with a start up of 10000W for those two items.
the problem with a generator is if I don't have power odds are the gas station doesn't have power either + you can not store fuel indefinitely.
so I've been looking at having a bank of batteries, and inverter and solar/wind power generation.
question is how many batteries (12V) will i need and how much solar/wind capacity would be needed to charge the batteries for daily use? Obviously both systems are not in constant use, and the biggest use is probably showers and washing clothes (I wouldn't bother using the dryer to dry clothes). Unfortunately I don't know how much my daily use of the electricity is the water heater(40G)/water pump (3/4HP).
I have figured out I would need a 5000W inverter with a start up of 10000W for those two items.