Soggy Boot cancelled


Well-known member
Just got an email from the OFTR saying this years Soggy Boot in Gooderham is cancelled. Bummer, was looking forward to it. Anybody know why?
That's a shame... too bad since that's always such a great event.

Me and some buddies are heading up to Gooderham in a week (May 30th) and have a cottage reserved for the weekend - we plan to ride the Soggy Boot route from 2012 since I have it on my GPS. Cottage is filled up, but it's pretty remote and lots of camping available since it's on a 40 acre lot - if anyone's interested in joining especially now that the Soggy Boot is cancelled send me a PM; the more the merrier!

Here is the spot we're staying (Kashaga ATV Lodge): (just a 10 minute ride from Greens Mountain!!!)
Probably cancelled due to high water levels. Many areas north of Barrie the rivers and even trails are still full of water.

Greens mountain rocks! I played on it for hours the Saturday before the soggy boot in 2011. Good times. :)
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Haliburton Trail riders put on the event. They also do the Corduroy enduro and the Algonquin 2 day. They are a small club and probably needed more volunteers to keep them from burning out. Look at the HTR facebook page they are working on the Algonquin now. With the Algonquin the Boot and the Cord they clear and maintain somewhere in the area of 400 km's of trail, Some of which are just nasty trails. It takes a lot of help to keep those events going not to mention all the other trails they keep open.

Have fun at Greens Xhumeka. Bring your Hip waders for the water holes on the Boot route. Was up there Saturday. Nothing out of the ordinary. lol
Guess you guys haven't heard of "the plan" by Ken Hooverman, (formerly of OFTR), to "take over" approx 4,000 sq KM including Greens Mountain to turn into a "Play for ride" recreational park. He is pushing it through the local council to get it all approved. He has sold them a bill of goods, making them think this will rival the Hatfield McCoy trails in WV. He has them envisioning 30 - 50 motels and near Gooderham to support all the people who will flock to "his park". This in a place, (Gooderham), which has trouble maintaining a functioning Gas Ken plans to allow Dirt bikes, ATV's, Jeeps all use of the trails. That should work well when a dirt bike rounds a sharp bend to find a 8,000 jeep headed at

He is also in talks with the Fiberals, to increase the trespassing fines in "his" area from $200, to $2000. Currently the area he is taking over is all CROWN Land.

So enjoy it while you have it. FYI Our ATV club maintenance vehicle was out on the weekend helping clear trails many of which are used during the Corduroy.
Yes I am aware of the Plan. That would be devastating for the local atv clubs wouldn't it. Greens Mountain is a very small part of the area which currently is used by jeeps, atvs, orm and anyone else that ventures in. I could see the Atv clubs panicking at the thought of losing the entire 5 points area. As an offroad enthusiast I view it simply as this. It will just be one more area where we have to pay a user fee.

Ken is doing Nothing any more wrong then the atv clubs have been doing for years.
No one Owns the trails on crown land. They will not be "HIS" trails. The atv clubs have stopped 2 wheelers regularly telling them they are not allowed on crown trails. You yourself posted about the VRTC and orm's only allowed on from burnt river to kinmount I believe you went so far as to post the specific BYlaw.
If memory serves it was Ken Hoeverman that lobbied and after years of Lobbying the orm's were finally granted permission for a very small part of the vrtc.

We all just want to get out and enjoy the trails and if that means the area will now be managed and have a fee associated with it then so be it.
I will only correct one part the ATV clubs do NOT stop and tell orm they can't use the trails on crown land.

Neither HATVA nor KATVA have trail patrols in the 5 points. The OPP S.A.V.E team do patrol the area. If people on atv's are telling this to orm then they are doing so on their own. KATVA supports the use of all trails on Crown land by ALL Ontarians. It is OUR, (citizens), property and should be enjoyed by all.
I will only correct one part the ATV clubs do NOT stop and tell orm they can't use the trails on crown land.

Neither HATVA nor KATVA have trail patrols in the 5 points. The OPP S.A.V.E team do patrol the area. If people on atv's are telling this to orm then they are doing so on their own. KATVA supports the use of all trails on Crown land by ALL Ontarians. It is OUR, (citizens), property and should be enjoyed by all.

There was nothing to correct it has and does happen whether mandated by the clubs or not. Until we get one pass for all offroad vehicles it will continue to happen. Don't forget it wasn't long ago the snowmobile clubs were trying to keep the atv's off the trails. Snowmobile clubs still exist with a one pass system and I'm sure the atv clubs would still exist under a one pass system as well. The Model is there it just needs to be modified a little and implemented.

If Ken can convince the local council to turn Greens Mountain into a pay and play park then More power to him. In fact its no different then the atv clubs forcing you to buy a pass for every area you want to ride. Its nice to see Hatva and and Katva have joined to make it a larger pay to play area. Its no different. Maybe a few land use agreements and stewardship for some of the trails but otherwise no different.

As I said we all just want to get out and enjoy the trails. I'm happy to know there are atvs on the trails and for the most part they are very friendly and helpful if needed.

Its unfortunate the Soggy is cancelled it really is a fun event on trails shared for the most part by anyone.
I will only correct one part the ATV clubs do NOT stop and tell orm they can't use the trails on crown land.

may not be a formal policy, but i have been "blocked" numerous times and stopped by the Quad Niagara club and told that certain trails (on east side system in welland) are for "ATV use only, even though its bull, and technically quads were never allowed there in the first place
may not be a formal policy, but i have been "blocked" numerous times and stopped by the Quad Niagara club and told that certain trails (on east side system in welland) are for "ATV use only, even though its bull, and technically quads were never allowed there in the first place
If your on crown land, politely explain to them that the trails are for everyone to enjoy. If they persist further then tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine. Obviously they are misinformed as to the rules of crown land use. ATV's are just mad at us because we can go faster than them.
If your on crown land, politely explain to them that the trails are for everyone to enjoy. If they persist further then tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine. Obviously they are misinformed as to the rules of crown land use. ATV's are just mad at us because we can go faster than them.

three or four atvs v. one dirtbiker makes being a jerk back difficult/dangerous. on a lot of trails i ride a quad can go faster due to the rutting/widening the atvs have caused.

IMO Quad Niagara members are pricks
Sorry to drag up an old thread, but what ever happend to "Ken Hooverman's plan" as described above? I haven't been able to find any updates about it, and am curious to see if it's still something being considered or if it was eventually shut down.
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