So my insurance went up almost 200 bucks, BUT....


Well-known member
I also have 5 tickets that don't exist as far as Jevco is concerned....
Do I just stay quiet and suck it up? I figure with my record its probably still the best I'll get because any new insurer is sure to look at my drivers abstract again. I'm 22 this is my third renewal last year it was 1755.00, this year 1988.93....
If the 5 tickets are minor convictions, your lucky you even have insurance. Just suck it up and hope Jevco doesn't do a check on you. Most other insurance companies wont insure you with 5 convictions (Assuming they are convictions and not parking tickets etc...)
yea they're all actual convictions but only minor...I guess I'm gonna have to stick with Jevco and my 250 for the next 3 seasons. I will likely hit 100k on her.
Did you ever try taking any of those tickets to court? This is why you should fight every ticket and not accumulate convictions.
I took em all to court but the cop had to be there everytime...but like I said my record is still clean as far as my insurance is concerned it just sucks because I'm stuck with them until my record clears.
suck it up, mine is going up as well and I have no tickets, I did change my bike but still the same engine and newer model.
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