So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on!!!!


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So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on!!!!

And Im like "WTF!!" So I pull off to the side at that gravel pit place is at the bloor/bayview exit going south -actually west-. I've been driving since I was 16, no major accidents no wrecks nothing, so Im sitting there in my car thinking the "There's something wrong with the car..." because it's old so I turn the car off for 5 minuets and start it up again... same thing with the alarm. I get out of the car check underneith it and sure enough there's a puddle by what looks to be my rear axle. The ****ing car IS leaking brake fluid. Now keep in mind that just maybe 20 minuets before I just got new tires installed from a guy that my family has been going to for years. I knew right away that the **** that put the tire on must have ruptured my brake line. so I sit there for the next hour and wait for a tow guy and you know what they charge. So I take the car to the shop and what do ya know, the ******* denies any wrong doing. And not only that but a guy that worked on the car before said that the lines on the car were rusted from way before... ****ing great! I didn't think that I'd be able to prove that it was the mech. that punctured my line so I did nothing about it.

That was maybe three months ago, now I'm in need of another car to give to a family member. My old one is just sitting on someone's drive way and I'm thinking it should be put to some use. I was thinking of -get this- selling my bike! SMH it's like a family member would be too painful to do so now I thinking of getting that **** to fix his wrong and get that car moving again.

So where do I start? I'm going to file a complaint with the Ministry and the BBB, Is there where else I should snitch to? I'm thinking of small claims but I don't think I'd be able to prove that this guy ****ed my **** up. So what next? I'm guessing that's all she wrote but maybe I'm missing something?
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

If you were told they were rusted, why didn't you repair them??
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

and if you werent aware they were rusted but kow the car is old, why not just to the work yourself. takes 15 mins to do!
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

If you were told they were rusted, why didn't you repair them??

He never told me they were rusted, but he remembered when I brought the car back tho'.

ajaxguy said:
and if you werent aware they were rusted but kow the car is old, why not just to the work yourself. takes 15 mins to do!

It never even crossed my mind. I'll look into it. I know very little about cars. But if it seems like something I can do without killing myself later, I'll definitely do it.

I was using the car to get to and from work daily so if it was leaking I would have noticed. I'm sure it was the mech that caused the leak.
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Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

You can't just speculate, u have to see if the lines were rusted or it was cause by someone's negligence. If you can't do that yourself bring it to another mechanic. Do go accusing the guy unless u are absolutely sure. Just my 2c
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

Ive had rusty brake lines pop on me three times. Its likely the mechanic had nothing to do with it. Its not exactly easy to puncture a brake line during a time change.
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

You can't just speculate, u have to see if the lines were rusted or it was cause by someone's negligence. If you can't do that yourself bring it to another mechanic. Do go accusing the guy unless u are absolutely sure. Just my 2c

To tell you the truth I believe that it is rusted I don't believe that rust is the cause of the leak. The amount that it was leaking.... it would be hard not to notice.... However you're right, I just assumed that it was rusted and didn't check. I'm heading there right now. I'll update tomorrow.
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

Your brake lines were rusted and having the tires changed was the last bump they needed to open up and spill. It's not his fault, It's yours. Grow up and take responsibility for not maintaining the vehicle.
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

A mechanic damaging your brake lines would more likely end up risking your life than bringing you back for more business. Seems like a HUGE gamble just to get a few more bucks working on your car again when if he really wanted the business, he could have easily not released the car until you get the work done.
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

A mechanic wouldn't intentionally damage your brake lines, period. Unless you were doggin' his gf or something.. :-)
And unfortunately, if they do unwanted inspections people either don't want to pay or accuse them of digging for work.
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

Unless the brake lines were crushed by the jack (and what brakes lines are routed anywhere near a jacking point), how could the mechanic changing tires have anything to do with a brake line leak?

Lines leak over time, lines will fail catastrophically over time, usually because of rusting issues, and it seldom ever happens at a convenient time.
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

Unless the brake lines were crushed by the jack (and what brakes lines are routed anywhere near a jacking point), how could the mechanic changing tires have anything to do with a brake line leak?

Not arguing with you, but I think the OP is insinuating the mechanic did it intentionally to make more money.
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

Not arguing with you, but I think the OP is insinuating the mechanic did it intentionally to make more money.

Granted, but that's a rather bold insinuation without any backing evidence. Besides, replacing a rusted brake line isn't a high dollar repair item so the gain for that supposed sabotage would hardly be with the the bad relations if discovered. OP admitted the car was old. That's the more likely culprit.
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

Stop being a baby about it. It's an old car and stuff like this happens. Keep up on maintenance and you won't get stranded.
As said before, Rusted out brake lines can suddenly rupture. You would be surprised how brittle they can be when they are old. They aren't very thick to start with.
So go to crappy tire, pick up some Dot3 fluid, order the brake line for the car (well, in this case sounds like you should order a full set) and some proper brake line wrenches and figure it out. Pretty simple procedure.
My truck is getting older, but you would be hard pressed to tell it apart from one that was only a year old because I look after it despite driving the crap out of it, all because of maintenance.
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

I don't get what you driving since you were 16 with no accidents have to do with anything?

And you want to report an incident that happened 3 months ago with no prior evidence? Good luck.
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

First, most cars, the brake lines will bunch up an pair around the rear of the car-- that area tends to be were they rust out, it could be that the lines were so rusted through and fragile, that the very motion and vibration from jacking up the car and taking the tires on with a air gun caused them to rupture.

depending on were the brake line itslef is broken-- hoping its just the small piece that goes into the rear seal, it will cost next to nothing to get done, 30-50 dollars, even if the guy has to run a new line to the back, that might cost $100-$150 max.

I think u really need to relax here.

If the mechanic wanted to rip you off, there would literally be 100 better ways he could have done, that would have cost you a lot more and he would have made a much bigger profit on. Brake lines have almost no markup on the actual part, he could have started quoting all kinds of suspension parts that have huge mark ups and take way more labour to do.

Even if the guy did it on purpose, there is no point cause if the brakes fail, then you crash into another car, possibly killing yourself or someone else and that car is written off, meaning no work for him-- makes no sense at all.
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

Granted, but that's a rather bold insinuation without any backing evidence. Besides, replacing a rusted brake line isn't a high dollar repair item so the gain for that supposed sabotage would hardly be with the the bad relations if discovered. OP admitted the car was old. That's the more likely culprit.

Completely agree..I made a similar point a bit earlier.
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

So where do I start? I'm going to file a complaint with the Ministry and the BBB, Is there where else I should snitch to? I'm thinking of small claims but I don't think I'd be able to prove that this guy ****ed my **** up. So what next? I'm guessing that's all she wrote but maybe I'm missing something?

It's very hard to rupture brake lines that are in good condition. The guy who noticed that they were rusted should have said something if he thought it was bad enough to rupture, but something tells me you would have tried to point the finger at him for trying to fix something that ain't broke. Forget BBB or legal action, you should go straight to your member of parliament and demand a law against rusty-looking brake lines.

Good ol' blame game.
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

I know very little about cars.

There's your problem. If you bothered to learn anything then you'd realize how insanely ridiculous you sound in your original post.
Re: So I'm driving right when all of a sudden, the "Low on brake fluid alarm comes on

The guy who noticed that they were rusted should have said something if he thought it was bad enough to rupture, but something tells me you would have tried to point the finger at him for trying to fix something that ain't broke.

This is why its always good to have a mechanic that both knows your goals (cheap or safe) and is willing to point things out. I don't end up under my car often but love it when a good mechanic is willing to point out some things I should think about down the road and let me decide. The ball is in my court then and only I am responsible for my choices. Since I've lived in Toronto I haven't found a mechanic like the one I used to have where I grew up. If you find a good trustworthy mechanic nurture that relationship as they are worth their weight in gold for those of us who aren't handy or car savy.
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