snowboard deals or sales in GTA???


Well-known member
Hey everyone,

Been snowboarding 3 times now and absolutely love it. Good to have something to do in winter while the bikes away!


I was wondering where everyone buys their gear from?

Are there any specific stores that have the best deals, etc?

What time of year is the best for saving money?

Anything specific I should look for in a beginner-intermediate set up?

I've been looking into flow bindings, recommended?

I am a guy 5 foot 10 about 220ish lbs (trying to cut down to 200)

Mainly want to know shops etc but any info helps!

Appreciate it!
meltdown has a clearance sale going on or something....dont remember the deets.
Hustler in oakville is my shop of choice. Get good deals in the summer or fall on the previous years boards, bindings, and boots. I wouldnt ride flows, dont offer enough support. I tested out one of their top of the line models when i was instructing and didnt like them. Which is the reason why i think they are slowly starting to make their bindings more and more like normal bindings.
Union Bindings are great, I would recommend those 100% I have had them on my last two set ups and never failed me
Skiis and bikes in Collingwood were selling all their stuff at 50% off this past weekend. You could call a local S&B to see if they are doing the same.
Skiis and Biikes are doing their sale in Mississauga as well, and I know the Don Mills store is doing 50% off all their RipZone gear. Senegal in Newmarket also has a sale going on, as does Salomon (I only know about their apparel being on sale) at Shops on DM.

However, for a beginner's set up, nothing wrong with going to SportChek and checking out their sales. The swap at the fall show is also good for beginners.
Union Bindings are great, I would recommend those 100% I have had them on my last two set ups and never failed me

Plus1 for unions, have two sets of forces one for my park board and another for my free ride. Think they have a life time warranty but not 100% sure.
+1 Meltdown:

There's always Sport Chek. Not the greatest selection but they had good sales going on beginning of winter. I bought a Rossignol Taipan for ~$260 tax-in. Didn't even know it was on sale til I took to the counter.

Give kijiji and craigslist a try also. I bought my first set of gear used and enjoyed it for 3 years. I think it's a good way to start when you know little about boarding. After a couple seasons you'll have a better idea of what you want in a board.

Avoid Flow bindings. They may be slightly more convenient to strap into but it's not worth the performance and reliability trade-off. A good fitting booting is the most important piece of gear.
I have a Rossi board with flow bindings I am selling if you're interested.

As for sales, Kenmark in Richmond hill is selling everything at 50% off

My snowboard is a 163cm. I have pics somewhere if you want to see em
Heard on the radio today that BoardSports (on Yonge), Meltdown and Skiis and Biikes are all having sales. Skiis and Biikes have the sales on at all 3 locations.
Ended up buying boots from Kenmark (size 9) Salomon dialogue wides. 50% off

Bindings and board from Boardsports on yonge. burton mission bindings with a 157cm burton honcho board. 40% off...

Hopefully I'll be able to use them before the season is officially over.

I love that I had to leave the bindings and board on layaway because they wouldn't fit on my bike.
Todays weather was unbelievable!

Appreciate the advice and help everyone!
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