Snapped Clutch Cable


Well-known member
Hey guys, I snapped my clutch cable this morning and I am not too sire how I am going to get my bike home, what is a good way to take it home without a clutch? Am I best of geting a tow? Also how hard is it to change the clutch cable? Ive never dobe it before so if anyone can help me that would be great. Im on a SV650S but IM sure that doesnt matter
How far from work to home? Lots of stop lights and traffic?

To get it going start bike in neutral then walk it forward flinstones style as quick as you can.. then click it into 1st and ride away. Upshift is easy, just hit the shifter as you roll off the throttle and it'll change gears fairly easily. Downshifting is not as easy. Close the throttle and when you're ready to downshift gently apply some throttle to put some slack in the driveline. When you apply throttle, hit the shifter for a downshift.

If you need to come to a stop you'll have to try to fish it into neutral from 1st or 2nd earlier or you'll stall it.

Try to minimize your shifting.. maybe keep it in 2nd as much as possible.
I made it home okay thanks I was just nervous about how to take off lol. Now the trouble is finding a clutch cable and how to install it lol
Don't take the broken cable off till you have routed the new one alongside of the old one.Then remove the old one and readjust as per the manual.
had the same thing happen to me at the beginning of the season--have an 01 svs

went to my local dealer--had the part the next day, i think it was about $25 if i'm not mistaken.

pretty easy to do, even for a non-mechanically inclined guy like myself.

followed these steps, and was done within 35 mins.

pro tip: lube the bejezus out of the cable before you attach it. . .it needs to slide like butter or your lever will feel like a rock
Thanksa bumch guys. Do I need to order it specifically for my bike or can ot be just any clutch cable?
Clutch cables are low tech. You can get away with taking it to a shop with used cables and just match it up. OEM isn't necessary, Motion Pro makes cables.
I'd get a new one if local stores have it in stock. Wingboy gave you some good advice. In any case it's stupid easy.

I had to do the same once, but there was a grand total of 5 turns to get me into the driveway (only 1 left), low traffic time/area, 2 lights and plenty of industrial parking lots along the way for me to re-start the bike in case i missed a neutral (never ended up having to do it, made it home all the way in 1st, 40/50/60 zones).

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