Skydive without a rig


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Another example in the making of the extraordinary becoming ordinary after another couple three jumps. As it is I had to fast forward the free fall because wasting my time. Over all a good project tho. The wife was happy, she doesn't lose no matter the outcome. Assuming properly insured of course. Thanks for posting.
Travis did it a few years ago. No record, but he ain't no pro parachutist.

Another example in the making of the extraordinary becoming ordinary after another couple three jumps. As it is I had to fast forward the free fall because wasting my time. Over all a good project tho. The wife was happy, she doesn't lose no matter the outcome. Assuming properly insured of course. Thanks for posting.

It might be tricky to find a policy that will pay out for someone who intentionally jumped without a chute.*

*Stolen from reddit. Bernie's proclamation is similar to other statements on reddit, but I'll just chalk that up to great minds thinking alike
There's always a snag isn't there? What's reddit? A new playground?
It looked to me like there was a large net rigged at the landing. That's not considered a rig?!?
A "rig" is what skydivers call a parachute/harness and reserve parachute assembly.
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