Signalling helmet concept, whaddya think?

I have a helmet that has red lights, similar to the ones in the link that you can turn on, on the back of it. It comes with four options - solid red light, (hit the button once) flashing red (hit the button a second time) blinking red (hit the button a third time) and off position. They are not connected in any way to my signal device but operate on a battery in the helmet. At night it looks like an additional brake light (when solid), and can draw added attention when flashing. I think it's a great idea. At night, it delineates from a distance a bike rider as opposed to a vehicle on the road, because it looks like vertical lights - (the back break light combined with the helmet light) and makes for increased visibility. I thought it was a great safety feature offered by GMAX which made me get this helmet.
yeah these helmets have been out for a while and is definitely a step in the right direction in terms of safety. The helmet accessory on the other hand is definitely a plus as it brings attention to a rider's signalling intent to an inexcusable position. There is no way someone can say " i didn't see him/her" since it's synced with your bike's lights. I want one once this comes out.
If they cant be bothered to look at the one attached to my fender what makes you think they'll look at the one on my helmet?
Because its more at eye level? (whether it be for sedand or SUV drivers)

2 lights will catch more your attention than one id assume :)
Because its more at eye level? (whether it be for sedand or SUV drivers)

2 lights will catch more your attention than one id assume :)
The way I look at it is if someone cant pay enough attention to notice a motorcycle and rider is stopping in front of them, a helmet with lights on it isn't going to make a difference. If people "Didn't see you" no amount of lights will help imo.
If they cant be bothered to look at the one attached to my fender what makes you think they'll look at the one on my helmet?

Lights are at a higher level and increase the chances of being seen. (emphasise in 'increase', but not completely)

I'd get one of these for sure.
I think someone posted a link not too long ago of a jacket with LED turn/brake signals on the back. It probably helps but I wouldn't buy either one of them.
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