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And he keeps riding. Wouldnt have been funny if after surviving as gracefully as he did he died because he didnt stop and his rear locked up due to a bent rotor or something.
He says in the comments on YouTube why he didn't stop. Must say the guy has balls of steel. I would have stopped just to ward off my imminent heart attack. Lol
Yeah he states in the comments: "...do you know how many collisions happen in Texas every day? Doesn't matter to me how many others have collisions. Things worked out pretty well for the rider, but I would have filed a report. Since the rider had video evidence, the van driver may be charged for the collision. By not reporting the incident no additional consequences to the driver! My life has value!!!
Van driver is 200% retard, but that accident was completely avoidable if the Rider slowed down after the van made that abrupt (no signal) lane change from the left to the middle. I try and make sure I'm never in someone's blind spot when traffic is moving.
Rider got real lucky; could have ended a lot worse for him. :s
I have to completely disagree with you. You don't know if there was a car behind the bike, hitting the brakes would have resulted in the bike being rear end. We avoid enough idiots on the roads everyday. Lets stop blaming the riders; even when the rider is clearly not at fault.
I have to completely disagree with you. You don't know if there was a car behind the bike, hitting the brakes would have resulted in the bike being rear end. We avoid enough idiots on the roads everyday. Lets stop blaming the riders; even when the rider is clearly not at fault.
I have to completely disagree with you. You don't know if there was a car behind the bike, hitting the brakes would have resulted in the bike being rear end. We avoid enough idiots on the roads everyday. Lets stop blaming the riders; even when the rider is clearly not at fault.