shouldn't cheat in cinema class

My film class in high school was 50% analysis of current movies and 50% making your own short films, so you were either over a lightbox doing cells, or storyboards and then out filming your assignment. All these idiots have to do is watch+critique a movie for a college film class, and they can't manage to do that? Weak.
Nothing surprises me. In my university tutorials I asked students to write me a total of 10 course related questions over the 2-semester course. Just 10. So they only had to show up to 10 seminars and submit a mere 10 questions to be granted an additional 10% on their final mark. How easy is that?! Some of them couldn't even do that much. :rolleyes:
There was a lot of "cheating" going on in my program when I was in university. The nature of the program (computer science) meant that a lot of the exercises have previously been done before by other people so all you had to do was google to find your answer. But of course of you copied a solution directly, it would be obvious especially since there was a system (which dug into the heart and core of your program logic) my school used to check for plagiarism although it wasnt fool proof.

A lot of the times, googling the solution, understanding the solution, and re-writing the solution would help you understand the concepts but that only applied if you were willing to sit down and try to understand it as opposed to re-writing it to fool the plagarism system. Its probably not what the instructor wanted you to do but if the instructor's intent is to learn something, then this accomplished it. If the instructors goal was to see if you could figure it out yourself, then this method did not accomplish it.

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