Down there on a trip and stumble on a Harbor Freight (Princess Auto kind of place) and wander in. I'm not looking for anything special but pick up two bottles of powder coat paint to experiment with at $5.99 a bottle. I'm about to check out at the cash and the guy in front of me hands me a 25% off coupon. I say thank you and then he asks if I need a volt meter and hands me a coupon for a free volt meter. The meter is a cheapie but for free I'll take it. I cash out at less than the pretax cost of the paint.
Did I mention a really decent hot buffet for $9.99? Chicken, salad, pork, meatballs, veggies, fruit. Welcome to the south.
Did I mention a really decent hot buffet for $9.99? Chicken, salad, pork, meatballs, veggies, fruit. Welcome to the south.