Sex Talk..... RIP

RIP. I remember watching her show. Can’t believe how long ago that was.
Wow this brings back fond yet awkward memories...
I had a lot of respect for her and her approach to a sensitive topic.
I remember watching the Sunday Night sex shows. Good times.
At the time on a 21 FLAT screen CRT. It was the latest and greatest.
6 months later all the true flat screens started coming out.
Aw that sucks. She was good. I did quite a few shows with her in a previous life. I may still have some of the hilarious anonymous question cards around (eg. "My boyfriend jizzed in my ear last week and I can't hear anything out of that ear. Should I be concerned?"
I would like to hear your explanation how you manage to reincarnate and remember the past life you had. Quite a feat really, only reserved for the Dalaï Lama, as far as I am aware of.
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