Selling bike, what happens with my insurance?


Well-known member
Helly all.

So I am currenly with State Farm and I am selling my bike soon. My insurance started during the last week of July so whats going to happen my policy after my bike is sold? Do I have to pay for the cancelation of my policy or a fine? And what will happen if I buy a new bike next season?
You will probably owe a big chunk of money to them, as you've used up all of the "expensive months" in your policy. It's best to call your agent and they'll let you know what you owe.

You just re-sign up when you get a new bike in the spring.

-Jamie M.
insurance is averaged out through the year, but actual coverage cost is expensive in the summer months and negligible in the winter months. If you bought in July, pay monthly, and cancelled now, you will be getting a bill. If your going to be buying another bike anyways, simply switch your insurance to the new bike. This way there has not been any gaps in insurance coverage. Your insurance record will be more favorable if you keep continuous coverage
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