Selling a motorcycle certified


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Once you get your bike certified for the sale and pay for it, you only have a certain number of days to sell it.

What happens if the person backs out in that time, rinse repeat a few times, or the person comes back with a lower offer knowing you're under pressure to sell?

Is it polite to ask for a non-refundable deposit, once you get to the certification point to cover the cost?
Included within the agreed upon sale price if the sale proceeds of course.
I always include safety into cost of vehicle if they want it and I ask that it be given as deposit. That way they can back out and you’re not taking the hit.

Now if someone flip flopped or lowballed me…well, was the price previous agreed upon? If not tell them to come see it, you’ll only negotiate in person. I’d rather eat the safety at worst then compromise a price if it previously agreed.
I have used the same shop for safeties for 30 years. When I want to sell a "certified" bike/car, I'll take it for inspection, but not take the slip. When the bike is sold i pick up the slip.
it would only work if the shop knows you and trusts you... it's not really legal.
I am pretty sure the vast majority of buyers of street bikes want a slip, even if it is stale dated, I can look at a bike and tell you what it needs to "safety"... most people cannot, and want the re-assurance of a mechanic signing off on the vehicle
I would do the safety first and then list is same day. If you’re not gonna sell it within 36 days then it won’t sell for the price you posted.

Other option is to wait until it’s sold but you run the risk of buyer wanting it next day and you can’t get the safety done within the timeframe.

I’ve sold all my bikes without safeties though. Never had anyone ask for it yet (4 bikes so far).
I would do the safety first and then list is same day. If you’re not gonna sell it within 36 days then it won’t sell for the price you posted.

Other option is to wait until it’s sold but you run the risk of buyer wanting it next day and you can’t get the safety done within the timeframe.

I’ve sold all my bikes without safeties though. Never had anyone ask for it yet (4 bikes so far).
Does a safety last 36 days?
I can look at a bike and tell you what it needs to "safety"

Exactly this.

I've bought and sold enough motorcycles to not require the seller to provide a safety certificate when I'm buying a used bike. I can quickly tell if a bike will pass a safety or not and if the seller doesn't have one, I can use this as a negotiating point to lower the price.

Except for these days. COVID/broken supply-chain pricing favours the seller. They pretty much dictate the terms of the sale. Don't want to buy the bike without a safety? No problem, the next guy probably will.
Just as LC and bittz said I never need a safety on a bike I'm buying.
Of all the bikes I've sold (10 or more) I've never included the safety as part of the sale. No one ever griped.
A friend / mechanic that trusts me will do a safety without issuing the slip. That way I know what to say to buyers regarding condition.

When a deal is struck I get the slip with a quick look over.

Alternately I get the bike saftied and don't ride it. If a buyer comes along after 36 days they can see the bike was saftied earlier with no mileage afterwards, The second safety for the transfer is on them.

How much are bike safties now? IIRC the mechanic has to buy a book of forms from MOT and they aren't cheap.
Sold the bike early June. Had the safety done, the uvip supplied, and the ownership signed. I went down to Service Ontario and he hasn't transferred the ownership yet. I had it flagged as sold, at least.
If he hasn’t trans the ownership , he’s also uninsured? Oy vey

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Two possible solutions:
-Not unusual for shops to re-issue the safety for cheap or free. I wouldn't exactly expect it though
-Don't get it safetied until the deal is closed. Every bike I've sold as safetied, I was 100% confident of it passing

I absolutely do not consider the "danger" of the safety expiring as pressure to sell, and even if I did it would just account for the cost of the safety which is very much a known quantity.
Two possible solutions:
-Not unusual for shops to re-issue the safety for cheap or free. I wouldn't exactly expect it though
-Don't get it safetied until the deal is closed. Every bike I've sold as safetied, I was 100% confident of it passing

I absolutely do not consider the "danger" of the safety expiring as pressure to sell, and even if I did it would just account for the cost of the safety which is very much a known quantity.
Last I recall it's about $100 or so. Probably even less.
What I heard from the buyer at the time, was that he was going to complete his Gearing Up course in a week.

Possibly he failed? Not sure why he wouldn't transfer it over anyways and save the $100.
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