Selling a bike online |

Selling a bike online


Well-known member
I know this has been said before, but every time I sell something online I cant believe the amount of D-bags out there.
I sold my bike over the weekend, and there must have been 5 D-bag replies for every 1 normal reply.
People thinking they are giving you a great deal by offering you 1/2 your asking price, and trying to justify that offer by adding some insults about your bike. I would have loved for one of these guys to stop by my house to look at the bike, and try to say some of these things face to face.
Why do people think that just because you are selling something you must be desperate for cash?

end rant
I'll give you ten bucks for this post,,,,

That's my final offer, I can easily find a better post than yours, but I was in the area and I wanted to help you out.
I know this has been said before, but every time I sell something online I cant believe the amount of D-bags out there.
I sold my bike over the weekend, and there must have been 5 D-bag replies for every 1 normal reply.
People thinking they are giving you a great deal by offering you 1/2 your asking price, and trying to justify that offer by adding some insults about your bike. I would have loved for one of these guys to stop by my house to look at the bike, and try to say some of these things face to face.
Why do people think that just because you are selling something you must be desperate for cash?

end rant

The worst part is those guys probably end up picking something up for a steal every now and then off some poor schmuck who rushed his sale. It's not like kijiji is full of sales pros.
I'll give you ten bucks for this post,,,,

That's my final offer, I can easily find a better post than yours, but I was in the area and I wanted to help you out.

screw you, the price is 20.
this post is in mint condition!!
screw you, the price is 20.
this post is in mint condition!!
Did you change the post's oil every 2k? did you have integrated lights and rim tape to increase the value of the post? as your post ever seen rain or have you babied your post? I don't think so..the 10 bucks is a good offer for your crappy post.
On a serious note, if I am interested in buying something and I see the seller has a fair price ( I don't pm anyone with stupid prices ) I just ask what is his real asking price and tell him I won't waste his time with arguments about price, if I like his final number I buy it, If I don't like his final number I thank him for his time and let him know I will not be buying his product. That's it
Wow, I've got to haggle more, I don't even reply if I'm not willing to pay their asking price and I usually just pay it anyway. Ususally it's already a good deal and I don't want to lose it over a few bucks. I have sold things with these types of people, the ones that agree to a price and then show up with less cash than what was agreed upon. They usually remember the extra few dollars in their pocket when you say get lost.
When I post something for sale, I always post the absolute lowest price I would sell for, and state that my price is firm. Any emails with lower offers are ignored. I've had pretty good success in this way, and always sell within a couple of days. I'm not going to waste my time or other people's time over useless haggling.

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