Seen a rider today January 5 |

Seen a rider today January 5


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Rider on qew west bound heading towards Erin mills parkway. He was a Hyabusa rider to boot!

Im not usually impressed by winter riding but pretty bad ass. Friday should be nice enough to ride to the show!
Men there is no snow, don't be surprised about seen bikers out there. I have been on vacations and riding every day, short rides but still. Not uncommon at all, i have seen a bunch of bikes parked downtown.
and i saw one today going the opposite way from me on bronte street in milton...he was on what looked like a dual sport...
Yeah...saw some guy on a cruiser booking down Guelph Line on my way home from work tonight. Mind you...he looked kinda cold. LOL!
I am still commuting to work. Its no big deal if the roads are dry. One guy at my office building that rides a bmw f800gs rode on tuesday when it was -15. now that im impressed with. I left the bike at home that day.

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Saw a guy on jan 1st in Ottawa. In a heavy snow fall with covered, icy slushy roads. Followed him off the 417 and down a couple more roads. Didn't get close enough for a pic but I tried. Couldn't believe it.
Saw 2 riders today. I wish I was still riding!
I saw a Hayabusa as well going southbound on the 115 as I was heading home. Made me jealous!!

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