securing a jacket to the bike |

securing a jacket to the bike



Any good suggestions on what to buy to secure a bike jacket to a supersport bike? Not interested in any luggage rack or things of that nature, just a simple contraption.


Any good suggestions on what to buy to secure a bike jacket to a supersport bike? Not interested in any luggage rack or things of that nature, just a simple contraption.


You mean while riding? if so Fish mesh/bongie mesh is good, in hot days I fold my jacket n put the mesh over it and ride squid!
I have beefy and long cable-lock... When I park and need to walk around, I run cable through swingarm, sleeve of my jacket and finally helmet... When it's locked, it's a tight fit, but woks great.
Another benefit - as helmet and jacket are resting (locked) over the seat, seat is nice and cool when I come back...

edit - only works (obviously) when parked... for moving, your options are limited...
Please note it is strongly discourage to leave gear on your bike specially near downtown or bars where they can damage your stuff... just making sure that is out there!
You can make a nice long cable lock for cheap. Get 3 or 4 feet of cut-to-length vinyl coated cable ("aircraft cable") at Canadian Tire, and make loops at each end by crimping with sleeves (like these). Like mentioned above, run the cable through the sleeves and frame of the bike, and padlock it.
You mean while riding? if so Fish mesh/bongie mesh is good, in hot days I fold my jacket n put the mesh over it and ride squid!

+1 If OP means while riding. I bought a jacket at GP not long ago and strapped it to my tail securely with a cargo net. Didn't budge between Whitby and North York at "typical" highway motorcycle velocity ;)
Stainless steel aircraft cable like Ash mentioned and crimpted. Shrink wrap the crimp to get the cable ends cleaned up. Simple solution but if someone wants the crap they will get it.
So you buy protective clothing and then tie it down to your bike while you're riding? Outstanding logic. All so you can look amazing on the DVP.
Look for rokstraps, majority of bike shops will have them in stock.
When I park then I use a bicycle cable lock. Thread it through one arm and around my handlebars. Put the jacket over my windscreen.
Thanks for all the replies! I meant when the bike is parked, not when riding. I will look into either rokstrap or cable.
I use a curly bike lock wrapped around the rear grab bar, then when I need it, I use it and it's always there for me.

So you buy protective clothing and then tie it down to your bike while you're riding? Outstanding logic. All so you can look amazing on the DVP.

And yet nothing constructive said...maybe he's going to pick up a friend and wants to carry a protective jacket for them too?

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