Secondary driver for wife


Well-known member
I've been reading up some posts and articles online regarding how primary & secondary driver (or rider) works, but it seems to me, I was provided wrong information from whoever I talked to at TD Meloche Monnex.
Wondering what really is true.

I have Car A, with policy under my name.
I have Bike A with policy under my name.
Wife has Car B, with policy under her name.
Wife HAD Bike B with policy under her name - this bike was sold 2 years ago when baby was born.
We had our own policies before getting married and it just continued on like that. All under TD Meloche Monnex.

We've live under the same roof for years.

I heard maybe about a year ago that my wife needs to be added as a secondary driver/rider for Car A and vice versa on the Car B.
So I called TD Meloche Monnex and asked about my situation and wanted to add her to my policy and also add myself as secondary to her policy.
(I guess another option is to have it all policies under my name, but didn't occur to me at the time).
I was told that since we're married, it's not required for her to be added as a secondary driver.
Now I'm digging more into it, it sounds like in Ontario, anyone with G2 above needs to be added as secondary driver?

What's the correct answer?
Before I call them and ask, I'd like to know.

I guess this also would mean I might need to pay more?
Plenty of insurers have an official policy that all licensed drivers in the house hold need to be on 'your' policy. Depending on their driving records you may see a premium hike.

Legally you can lend your vehicle to anyone with a valid license and they would be insured as Insurance follows the vehicle not the person.

If I were you, unless they specifically ask you for the info I'd keep quiet.

Case in point;
I made the mistake of mentioning my fiance on the phone during a conversation with my car insurer. They immediately asked if she was licensed and on my policy. I went back and forth for 2 weeks trying to explain to them that she cannot and would never actually drive my car because she literally cannot drive manual transmission. They didn't care, they said she had to be added and we'd have to sign an exclusion letter (my insurance is voided if she's caught driving in an accident). I said great, let's do that. Then I spent another week fighting them off because apparently we HAD to both go into an office and listen to a verbal warning and sign the document. Eventually they relented and let us sign a hardcopy and email it to them.

Then they tell me I no longer qualify for accident forgiveness and my rates are going up because she had an at fault accident 5 years ago.

So I lose my waiver and pay more for a car we both just agreed she cannot and will not drive AND I agreed that my insurance doesn't even apply if she were to?

I ******* at a regional manager for 15 minutes then told them I'm cancelling my policy and switched companies.

Don't be me lol.
Which insurance Co was that?

Also to throw in another question, if I want to move all policies under me, I'd have to transfer ownership on Car B (wife's) to me?

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I can tell you this; I pay very slightly more for motorcycle insurance because my wife has her M license, they did not care that she can not ride either of my current licensed bikes. But on the up side she has been motorcycle insured since ~1976 and had zero incidents so I bet she could get a very good rate if she ever wants to buy another licensed bike (y)
Which insurance Co was that?

Also to throw in another question, if I want to move all policies under me, I'd have to transfer ownership on Car B (wife's) to me?

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The co operators.

I'm fairly certain that only the vehicle owner can have the policy in their name.
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