Schwarzenegger.... |



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What were you thinking???
Meh, I guess he's a gun-nut and she has her artillery down-pat.. Some guys are into that sort of thing. At least he's been a responsible father, which is more than I can say about many others even when they're swimming in cash.
What were you thinking???

According to his friend Gene Simmons of KISS, Arnold had no choice. He was forced to do it by his DNA.
Simmons flatly declares that what Schwarzenegger did isn't cheating -- it's genetics. Says Simmons of unfaithful men in general, "Respectfully, they're not cheating. They're doing what the DNA in their genes tell them to do. They're doing what they're designed to do. The male of the species manufactures hundreds of millions of sperm every day. They have no choice in the matter. They can't take Thursdays off."
What were you thinking???
ya like this is any better, seems he likes ugly women.
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Wow, is his wife a smoker??? What the hell happened to her lips.
What were you thinking???

I second that, WTF Schwarzenegger?!?! :pukeleft: For once I am disgusted equally between his choice of mistress and his failure as a morally decent person. No seriously Arnold, were you ****ing high!?

I'm waiting for someone to chime in with "He's friggin brilliant, he created plausible deny-ability; by banging someone so utterly hideous that all he has to say is Dude, no way I ****ed someone that ugly. I'm the govenator I can get hotter bitches."
I'll bet the she-man he nailed was a pretty good hoover. Maybe the wife wouldn't know...take care of business in that way. Supposedly there are more kids and women out there....this thing is gonna "blow" up like the Tiger Woods deal.
Don't understand the big surprise in all this...?? It's freakin Arnold for craps sake.
For once I am disgusted equally between his choice of mistress and his failure as a morally decent person. No seriously Arnold, were you ****ing high!?

Have you ever seen Pumping Iron?? Morally decent person?? Seriously?!? :)
Have you ever seen Pumping Iron?? Morally decent person?? Seriously?!? :)

No kidding. Anyone that thought 'Politics' would change how he acted was deluded. Politicians are as bad as rock stars just usually smarter in the coverup.

I didn't lose any respect for Arnold because the respect I had for him was about his accomplishments not his moral character. I always get a kick out of how people assume they know people they have never met or hung out with and seem shocked by their behavior. Tiger was another example. You didn't know him so save the outrage. He didn't let you down and he doesn't know who the hell you are.
after all, these ppl are just entertainment for us comsumers in the end... thanks to the wonderful media, they're so informative all the time~

oh yea, and fck Libya and Japan now, the Royal wedding cured them all~

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